
A Beneficial Partnership

Join the winning team with PT Pelita Logistik Tbk's exceptional financial performance, diverse cargo offerings, and investment in growth.

Corporate Secretary

Desi Femilinda Safitri, Indonesian citizen, 41 years old. She is effectively appointed as Corporate Secretary based on the Directors Circular Decree No 117/PLOG-Dir/VI/2023 since 1st July 2023. She graduated as a Bachelor of Economics degree majoring in Accounting from Trisakti University in 2003. Prior to being appointed as Corporate Secretary, she worked as a Corporate Affairs Manager in one of the Company’s subsidiaries and prior to joining the Company, she had served as Senior Manager Corporate Secretary of PT Sreeya Sewu Indonesia Tbk (2020-2022), She has 9 years experienced in various fields jobs such as Corporate Secretary, Assistant Legal Manager, and 5 years of experience as Personal Assistant to Managing Director in one of Shipbroker company in Singapore.

Desi Femilinda Safitri

Position Corporate Secretary
Appointment Basis Based on Directors Decree No.117/PLOG-Dir/VI/2023

  1. Keep abreast of Capital Market developments, particularly the applicable regulations in the capital market..
  2. Provide input to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners regarding compliance with capital market regulations.
  3. Assisting the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners in implementing corporate governance, including
    1. Disclosure of information to the public, including the availability of information on the Company’s Website.
    2. Submission of reports to the Financial Services Authority in a timely manner.
    3. Implementation and documentation of GMS and Public Expose.
    4. Implementation and documentation of meetings of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners.
    5. Serve as a liaison in communicating with shareholders, the Financial Services Authority, the Indonesia Stock Exchange and other stakeholders.

The Corporate Secretary function of the Company has carried out activities according to their duties and responsibilities. Various activities carried out by the Corporate Secretary throughout 2022 include:

  1. Organized and administered the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) on 6 June 2023 and the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on 6 June 2023
  2. Organizing and administering meetings of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company including committees under the Board of Commissioners such as the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Audit Committee.
  3. Informed and provided explanations to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company regarding OJK’s new regulations on strengthening good corporate governance and provide input in fulfilling the provisions in these regulations, including:
    1. Company’s AGM procedures
    2. Adjustment to the Company’s Articles of Association
    3. The uploading of various Company documents and information on the Company’s website in accordance to Capital Market regulationsDisclosure of information related to the Company’s corporate activities to the public including OJK, IDX, Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the media, activities carried out include conducting Public Exposes, submitting press releases and publications, distributing final dividends, submitting reports on Directors’ Share Ownership, reports registration of securities holders, periodic and annual financial reports, foreign currency payable reports, and other incidental reports
  4. Disclosure of information related to the Company’s corporate activities to the public including OJK, IDX, Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the media, activities carried out include conducting Public Exposes, submitting press releases and publications, distributing final dividends, submitting reports on Directors’ Share Ownership, reports registration of securities holders, periodic and annual financial reports, foreign currency payable reports, and other incidental reports.
  5. Implementation of corporate governance assessment conducted internally.

During 2022 and 2023, Corporate Secretary has participated in several trainings/workshop activities that aim to improve the competence and capabilities  to achieve Company’s objectives. Some seminars have been attended as well on regulation updates conducted by Financial Services Authority (OJK), Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX), Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) and Indonesia Corporate Secretaries Association (ICSA).


Date Training Program Organizer Location
June 24th 2022 Socialization of Free Float and E009 Provisions Bursa Efek Indonesia Online
August 10th 2022 Let’s improve the Sustainability Report Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia Online
October 11st 2022 Socialization of Various Reporting Obligations based on Capital Market Regulations Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia Online
November 15th 2o22 Socialization of Annual and Sustainability Reports Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia Online


Date Training Program Organizer Location
February 21st-23rd 2023 Corporate Secretary Corporate Governance Officer ICSA Online
March 14th 2023 Socialization of GMS through Easy Ksei ICSA & Easy KSEI Online
May 19th 2023 Request for Feedback and Invitation for Hearing on the Draft SEOJK on Procedures for Using the Services of Public Accountants and Firms Bursa Efek Indonesia Online
June 8th 2023 Implementation of POJK Number 14/POJK.04/2019 concerning Amendment to POJK Number 32/POJK.04/2015 concerning Capital Increase for Public Companies by Providing Pre-emptive Rights ICSA Online


Internal Audit Unit

The Company established an Internal Audit Unit based on Directors Decree No. 010 / PSS-Dir / X / 2017 dated October 16, 2017. The Company has also prepared the Internal Audit Unit work guidelines in the form of an Internal Audit Unit Charter that was approved by the Board of Commissioners on September 19, 2017.

Structure and Position of the Internal Audit Unit

The Internal Audit Unit structurally reports to the President Director and functionally to the Audit Committee. The function of internal audit is to provide an independent and objective view and consultation, to increase the value and improve the Company’s operations through a systematic approach, evaluation, improvement in the effectiveness of risk management, control, and GCG processes within the Company and its business units.

Profile of Audit Unit Head


Position Head of Internal Audit Unit
Dual Position Status None
Appointment Basis 029/PLOG-Dir/I/2024 Date 2 January 2024

No. Type of Training & Seminar Organizer Date
1 Witholding Tax Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) March 4, 2023
2 IASB Update: The Latest Developments in IFRS Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) 29 May 2023
3 External Class Public Speaking Merry Riana Education 24-25 July 2023
4 2023 Annual Technical Update Price Waterhouse Coopers 28 July 2023
5 Accelerate Your Growth with IPO BDO 21 September 2023
6 EY Indonesia Thought Leadership – Accounting, Sustainability Reporting, and Tax Updates Ernst & Young Indonesia 27 November 2023
7 Effective Technique for Internal Audit Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) 8 December 2023
8 WTW Virtual Seminar – ESG and Boardroom Risk Willis Towers Watson 13 December 2023
9 Internal Control over Financial Reporting (ICoFR) Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) 13-14 December 2023

The Internal Audit Unit has a Charter contain guidelines of job descriptions and responsibilities. The Charter has been approved by both the President Director and the Audit Committee. In performing its duties, the Internal Audit Unit shall comply with the applicable business ethics, laws and regulations to avoid imposing sanctions by the authorities.

Internal Audit Unit duties include the following:

  1. Plan and develop the Annual Audit Plan and seeking approval from the President Director.
  2. Test and evaluate the implementation of internal control and risk management system according to the Company’s policy.
  3. Examine and assess the efficiency and effectiveness in finance, accounting, operations, human resources, marketing, technology, and other activities.
  4. Provide constructive input and objective information on the activities being audited at all levels of management.
  5. Prepare the Audit Findings Report and submit to the President Director and the Board of Commissioners.
  6. Monitor, analyze and report the follow-up activities that have been recommended and implemented.
  7. Cooperate with the Audit Committee.
  8. Develop programs to evaluate the quality of internal audit activities.
  9. Conduct special audit if necessary.

  1. Carry out the audit process in accordance with Audit standards and the applicable Code of Ethics, allocate Audit resources effectively and efficiently, enhance auditor professionalism and implement quality assurance programs in carrying out the duties and management of
    Internal Audit Division.
  2. Maintain the data, documents and information confidentiality related to the implementation of Audit duties and report of Audit results in accordance with Company confidentiality policies which is determined by the Directors and Auditor’s Code of Ethics.
  3. Seek approval from President Director on the work program and Audit
  4. Report to President Director on information related to ongoing audit.
  5. Internal Audit Division auditors are prohibited to do concurrent assignments and undertake Company’s operation matters as well as other Entities.
  6. Review the Company’s Risk Management implementation.

In carrying out its duties, Internal Audit Unit has the following authorities:

  1. Access all relevant information about the Company related to its duties and functions.
  2. Communicate directly with Directors, Board of Commissioners, and/or Audit Committee as well as its members.
  3. Hold regular and incidental meetings with Directors, Board of Commissioners, and/or Audit Committee, and
  4. Coordinate with external auditors.

During the reporting period, the Internal Audit Unit has received certification on ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant to be more qualified in accountancy.

During 2021, the Internal Audit Unit has carried out many activities including the Review of SOPs, Internal Controls, and a series of audit activities namely compliance with SOPs, financial reporting, company operations and evaluation of the implementation of the Company’s risk management. The review of this system has been carried out effectively, efficiently and following International Framework standards issued by the Institute of Internal Audit (IIA).

Audit Committee

The Company has an Audit Committee that performs its functions in accordance with the provisions of OJK No. 55 Year 2015 concerning audit obligation for public company. Company’s Audit Committee was established on October 10, 2017, based on its Letter No. 001/ PSS-BOC/X/2017. In 2021, there was no changes in the composition of committee’s members

Audit Committee Composition

In accordance with OJK Regulation No. 55 Year 2015 concerning the establishment of Audit Committee, the Audit Committee consists of at least 3 (three) members which are Independent Commissioners and member from external parties.

Profile of Audit Committee Members Aside from Dual Position on the Board of Commissioners

Lilis Halim

Position Chairman
Dual Position Status Independent Commissioner
Appointment Basis 055/PSS-BOC/V/2022

Irma Stamboel

Position Member
Dual Position Status None
Appointment Basis Board of Commissioners Decree Number 006/PSS-BOC/VII/2019

Suhari Harliman

Position Member
Dual Position Status None
Appointment Basis Board of Commissioners Decree Number 006/PSS-BOC/VII/2019

The Audit Committee Charter was approved by the Directors and Board of Commissioners on September 19, 2017. The Audit Committee Charter contains the duties, responsibilities and authorities of the Audit Committee, as follow

  1. Review the financial information and Company’s compliance with laws and regulations in the Capital Market and other laws and regulations related to the Company’s activities.
    Review the independence objectivity, scope of assignments, provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding the appointment or dismissal of external auditors and review internal auditor examination and oversee Directors’s follow up act on internal auditor’s findings
  2. Review risk management activities carried out by the Directors should the risk management committee under the Board of Commissioners has not been established
  3. Review and report to the Board of Commissioners regarding the complaints related to the Company’s accounting and reporting process.
  4. Maintain the confidentiality of the Company’s documents, data, and information while not using information to obtain personal gain or in any manner, which is against the law or is any harms to the Company

In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, the Audit Committee is guided by the Charter / Board Charter which was approved by the Board of Commissioners on September 19, 2017.

Download this link to view the Audit Committee Charter: Audit Committee Charter

All members of the Audit Committee has signed a statement of integrity and independence. All members of the Audit Committee come from independent parties, do not have financial relationship, share management and/or family relationship with the Main Shareholders, Board of Commissioners, and Directors, and fulfill all the requirements stipulated in OJK regulations.

In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, the Audit Committee is guided by the Charter / Board Charter which was approved by the Board of Commissioners on September 19, 2017.

OJK Regulation No. 55 Year 2015 concerning the Establishment and Implementation Guidance of the Audit Committee states that the Audit Committee shall conduct periodic meetings at least once in every 3 (three) months.

Audit Committee has conducted 6 times internal meetings. In this year, the number of meetings and attendance level of Audit Committee members are as follows:

Audit Committee Name Meeting Frequency Level of Attendance (%)
Lilis Halim TBA TBA
Suhari Harliman 6 100%
Irma Stamboel 6 100%

In each meeting, Audit Committee met with some departments to discuss the work program and issues relevant to the functions. Details of the number of meetings with each department/section were as follows: The Directors and Management (4 times), Internal Auditor (4 times), and External Auditor (2 times). Important matters that obtained from meeting with each department/section was always reported by the Audit Committee in the meeting of the Board of Commissioners.

The results of the Audit Committee’s tasks in 2021 are as follows:

  1. Has reviewed the quarterly financial statements, and reviewed and discussed with Management and External Auditors.
  2. Discussed the planning, implementation and audit findings, the adoption of the new Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) and the application of OJK rules to the Company’s financial statements with the External Auditor.
  3. The Audit Committee encouraged Management to continuously improve the disclosure of Company information following PSAK and OJK regulations.
  4. The Audit Committee has discussed the Internal Audit work program, discussed the main findings of Internal Audit with Management, and monitored the implementation of the corrective actions proposed by Internal Audit
  5. The Audit Committee supported Management’s efforts to empower the Internal Audit function by referring to the Internal Audit Charter and Corporate Governance Principles, as well as increasing the quantity and quality of human resources in the function
  6. The Audit Committee opined that the External Auditors are professional in carrying out their audits, independent and objective in their work and open for discusion related to the implementation of audits or the application of financial standards.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee was formed to assist the Board of Commissioners in carrying out supervisory duties and functions in terms of establishing the nomination and remuneration policies applicable in the Company comprehensively. The structure and membership of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee is stipulated in the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 003/PSS-DIR/IX/2017 dated September 7, 2017 concerning the Establishment of a Nomination and Remuneration Committee as subsequently amended by Decree SK No.001/PLOG-BOC/VI/2024 dated June 25, 2024 concerning Changes in the the Structure of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee of PT IMC Pelita Logistik Tbk.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee Composition

The structure of Nomination and Remuneration Committee per June 25, 2024, were as follows:

Lilis Halim

Position Chairman
Dual Position Status Independent Commissioner
Appointment Basis SK No.005/PSS-BOC/VII/2019

Setya Rahadi

Position Member
Dual Position Status External
Appointment Basis SK No.095/PLOG-Dir/V/2023

Aldi Saputra

Position Member
Dual Position Status HR Manager
Appointment Basis SK No.001/PLOG-BOC/VI/2024

In performing its duties and responsibilities, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee is guided by the Charter of Nomination and Remuneration.

The Company requires each member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to sign an integrity and independent statement. By signing the statement, the Company believes that the decisions taken by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee are independent and not influenced by any interests other than the interests of the Company.

Referring to the Charter of the Committee, the scope of the Committee’s Duties and Responsibilities includes:

  1. Nomination Function:
    1. Provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, in regard to:
      1. Composition and nomination process for the Board of Directors and/or the Board of Commissioners positions
      2. Policies and criteria needed in the nomination process
      3. Performance evaluation policy for Board of Directors and/or the Board of Commissioners.
    2. Assist the Board of Commissioners in exploring candidates in order to nominate a prospective member of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors to be presented at the General Meeting of Shareholder.
    3. Provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding capacity building development programs for the Board of Directors and / or the Board of Commissioners,
  2. Remuneration Function:
    1. Provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, regarding:
      1. Remuneration Structure for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners
      2. Policy on Remuneration for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners
      3. Amount of Remuneration for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners
    2. Assists the Board of Commissioners to assess the performance of of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners

Basis and Process for evaluating the Committee through a self-assessment mechanism using the evaluation method specified in the Decision of the Board of Commissioners.

Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 34 / POJK.04 / 2014 concerning the Nomination and Remuneration Committee requires that the Nomination and Remuneration Committee Meetings be held periodically at least 1 (one) time in 4 (four) months.

Throughout 202, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee held 5 (Five) meetings with the Commissioner with the following information:

No. Agenda
1. Committee’s 2022 Work Plan
2. Reviewing the KNR Charter and the Board of Directors Performance Process Policy in accordance with the achievements of the established KPIs
3. Review remuneration regarding the contract extension of Board of Directors, as well as discussed the latest market conditions and the company’s remuneration philosophy
4. Drafting and communicated remuneration policy for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners
5. End of the year Performance evaluation and  Rewards program

During 2022, Nomination and Remuneration Committee held 5 meetings with attendance rate in accordance to the Nomunation and Remuneration Committee Charter.

Name Position Attendance Attendance Rate
Lilis Halim Chairman and Member 5 100%
Harry Winoto* Member 5 100%
Titto Devianto Member 5 100%

*Harry winoto Resigned as per May 31 2023

To ensure the business’ sustainability, continuous leadership regeneration process has constantly had the attention of the Company. In 2021, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee prepared, reviewed and proposed the succession planning for the Directors member by taking into account, the criteria of competence, professionalism, work ethics and strive-for-excellence principles which is required to add the Company’s value to shareholders and others stakeholders. These criteria serve as a reference for the Nomination and Remuneration Committee in identifying qualified Directors candidates (selected internally or externally), in evaluating their performance, and in preparing the necessary leadership development programs. The leadership development program can be seen in section Education and Training for Directors and Board of Commissioners, sub-section Company Profile on Annual Report.

Insider Trading Policy


As it is known that insider trading is against the law, propriety or appropriateness mentioned in Law Number 8 of 1995 concerning the Capital Market and it is categorized as unfair trading and market crime as regulated in Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition.

In carrying out business activities, each internal party as the executor of the Company’s operational activities is possible to obtain information, where improper use of such information can directly or indirectly cause the Company’s stock price to fluctuate abnormally.

The purpose of the issuance of this Policy is to prevent misuse of information by the Company’s Internal Parties and other parties involved in the Company’s operations, which may affect the Company’s share price.

Internal Company Parties:
People who have information in the Company, including but not limited to:

  1. Board of Commissioners;
  2. The Directors;
  3. Major Shareholders;
  4. Employee;
  5. An individual who due to his position, profession or legal relationship with the Company (for example a legal consultant or public accountant) allows that person to obtain information;
  6. Certain parties that hold or hold confidential information of the Company based on work relationships.

Trading activities of shares and/or securities of the Company by the Company’s Internal Parties which have material information in the form of plans or decisions of the Company that have not been or not published by the Company, so that they are categorized as illegal activities in the financial market environment to seek certain profits which are usually carried out by how to utilize internal information.

Information or important fact that relevant about events, or facts that can directly or indirectly affect the price of the Company’s shares and or the decisions of shareholders / potential investors.

All information that is not open to the public, and internal data of the Company and its Subsidiaries or certain parties in the Company, namely consumers, distributors, vendors, business partners, suppliers commercially, financially, technically or otherwise (verbally, in writing, machine-readable or otherwise) and materials (electronically recorded, other forms) that are stated in writing as confidential information or naturally and/or by applicable laws and regulations must be treated confidentially or due to a condition that can generally be interpreted or concluded as confidential information, the parties must protect the data or information against disclosure or submission to any third party outside the Company.

Explicitly separating data and/or information that is confidential and public in nature; Sharing the duties and responsibilities for managing confidential information.

Any Company Internal Party that does not comply with this Policy will be subject to disciplinary and / or dismissal sanctions determined at the Company’s discretion. Every Internal Party of the Company who is aware of a violation of this policy can report the violation through the whistleblowing system that has been implemented by the Company.

If there are changes in the Company’s Articles of Association relating to the material of this Policy, then this Insider Trading Policy can be revised by applicable regulations.

Communications with Shareholders or Investors


This document covers the policy of PT IMC Pelita Logistik Tbk (the “Company”) in providing its shareholders or investors with the necessary information on the Company concerning their investment decisions.

As part of its practices, the Company fairly treats its shareholders or investors to provide accurate and timely information under the Articles of Association of the Company and the capital market regulations.

The Investor Relations Division of the Company has the responsibility to coordinate the production and dissemination of material and non-material information to the investment community.

If material information or fact may influence the Company’s share price or the decision of its shareholders or investors must not be disclosed to media before submission to the Indonesian Financial Services Authority and the Indonesia Stock Exchange, under capital market regulations.

To avoid selective disclosure and a possible breach of disclosure regulation, the Company should not provide:

  • Exclusive interviews or information to the media, shareholders or investors that contain Material Information which is not already in the public domain;
  • Material Information is not already in the public domain on the ‘off the record’ basis to the media, shareholders, or investors.

In case of a leakage of Material Information, the Company will publish a release to the public via IDX. If a rumor is incorrect or misleading, the Company will likewise announce a release. In other circumstances, it is under Company consideration whether to confirm or deny rumors. In most situations, the Company will not comment on market rumors regardless of whether the news is correct or not.

The Company will, from time to time, appoint one or more authorized spokespersons to speak on behalf of the Company or to respond to specific inquiries from the investment community as appropriate.

Authorized spokespersons could include the President Director, Chief Financial Officer, other members of the Board of Directors (for specific areas under his/her control), Corporate Secretary, or Investor Relations Division Head of the Company. From time to time.

No other employee is entitled to speak with shareholders, investors, analysts, or media unless it is required by one of the official spokespersons. In case employees are contacted by a shareholder, investor, or an analyst, they are required to forward the request to the Investor Relations Division Head or Corporate Secretary. If approached by the media, employees are required to deliver the request to the Corporate Secretary.

Authorized spokespersons liaise closely with Investor Relations to ensure all proposed public comments comply with capital market regulations.

In communicating with the investment community, the Company undertakes regular activities, among others:

  • Issuing Annual Report and Audited Full Year Financial Report
  • Issuing Quarterly Financial Report and Half Year Financial Report
  • Conducting Public Expose
  • Issuing Press Release relating to quarterly financial highlights
  • Conducting Analyst Gathering
  • Conducting Media Briefing

The Company imposes a ‘quiet period’ which it does not make appointments with the investment community. Exceptions may occur at the Company’s discretion based on the need to discuss breaking news or otherwise. During the quiet period, the Investor Relation Officers may provide answers to fact-based inquiries from the investment community.

The quiet period usually commences at or soon after the end of the financial period until the announcement of the Company’s results. The quiet period for the Company is 21 days prior to the release of the Company’s financial results.

Supply/Contractor Selection


Procurement is part of organization activity to maintain and control material management from a material request, purchase, until material received properly.

This procedure explains the procurement activities on how to request, purchase, receive, verify, record and release all kinds of purchase material and service and ensure the purchase material & service meets the specified requirement with consideration to quality, delivery, and services.

This is also to ensure that the purchase of material and service in a planned, controlled and cost-effective manner under agreed budgets and operational requirement

From the appearance of demand to receiving purchase inquiry up to enter a delivery note into Bassnet system.

Procurement is the main interface to the vendor: this means procurement leads and directs the supplier relationship.

In addition to that, it follows that:

  • As soon as demand requirement is recognized, the requisitioner should involve Procurement
  • In the initial contact, Procurement should communicate with the vendor proactively
  • Offers from vendors are to be received by Procurement excepts if otherwise agreed to with the responsible Procurement person
  • Negotiations are to be handled by Procurement unless expressly agreed to with the accountable Procurement person
  • Procurement is the driver of the supplier decision with support from the relevant functional department
  • Purchase Order to Supplier is to be initiated by Procurement through a clearly defined process unless for specially arranged exceptional cases

  • For key/strategic material or services, the vendor should be included in the AVL and through proper vendor assessment/selection process.
  • The Vendor evaluation process will evaluate the performance of vendors yearly.
  • Key/Strategic Material & Service categories.
  • Following all material & service Criteria:
    • Fuel Bunker
    • Dry Docking
    • Lub Oil
    • Paint
    • Wire Rope
    • Critical Spareparts
    • Critical Safety equipment
    • Critical services

  • 1 quotation for USD 500 and below
  • Minimum 2 quotation for USD 501 to USD 5000
  • Minimum 3 quotation for above USD 5000

Need only 1 quotation for the situation as follows:

  • Emergency and urgent requests
  • Contracted vendor
  • Authorized agent or distributor
  • Repeat order
  • Products under development

  • Emergency -> average of 3 working days
  • Urgent -> average of 5 working days
  • Normal -> average of 14 working days

The lead time started from PR received with sufficient information and approved or from quotation received

The standard for accepting PR and PO refers to approval matrix PT. PSS Procurement authority matrix approval

Whistleblowing System

The Company has a violation reporting system or commonly known as Whistleblowing System, with such a system all Company management, whether employees or third parties, may report frauds, violations or other ethical violations occurring in the work environment.

The Whistleblowing System has managed by the Ethics Committee which consists of the Director of People and Organization, the Head of the Internal Audit Unit and chaired by the President Director.

Dissemination of this reporting system has been carried out regularly.

Reporting employees also have the protection of disclosure on the reports of activities that violate the Code of Ethics and Company Policy that can have a detrimental effect on the Company and any illegal actions against Indonesian law or international law.

How to Submit a Violation Report

Employees who have complaints is able to send their complaints and report violations to email ( or at the Company's website on Ethics section or contact the Company's telephone number at 021 30006800.

Throughout 2021, the Company did not receive complaints about reports of internal violations.

Capital Market Supporting Institutions and Professions

Following Capital Market Supporting Institutions and/or Professionals as per December 31, 2021:

KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro &Surja

External Auditor

Providing services to audit the Company's financial statements for the financial
Period January – December 2023.

KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro &Surja

lndonesia Stock Exchange
Jenderal Sudirman No.5, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12190

PT Datindo Entrycom

Share Registrar

Providing share administration service for the period December 2020 – November 2021

PT Datindo Entrycom

Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 28, 2nd Floor
Jakarta 10120, Indonesia

PT Bursa Efek Indonesia

Stock Exchange

Indonesia's capital market regulator that provides securities trading system facilities

PT Bursa Efek Indonesia

Indonesia Stock Exchange Building
Tower I, 6th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 – 53
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia

Rights of Shareholders

Self Assessment - Part A

No. Questions Yes/No or N/A Answer Implementation Link of Evidence/ Document

Does the company pay (interim and final/annual) dividends in an equitable and timely manner; that is, all shareholders are treated equally and paid within 30 days after being (i) declared for interim dividends and (ii) approved by annual general meeting (AGM) for final dividends?

Apakah Perusahaan membayar dividen (interim dan akhir/tahunan) secara adil dan tepat waktu, dimana semua Pemegang Saham mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama dan dibayar dalam jangka waktu 30 (tiga puluh) hari setelah (i) dividen interim diumumkan dan (ii) disetujui oleh RUPS Tahunan untuk dividen final?


The Company performed payment for dividend in an equitable and timely manner, which is approved by the Shareholders through General Meeting of Shareholders AGMS. Dividend is paid within 30 days after being declared.

Perseroan melaksanakan pembayaran dividen Secara adil dan tepat waktu yang telah disetujui oleh Pemegang Saham melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. Dividen dibayarkan dalam waktu 30 hari secara tepat waktu setelah diumumkan.

Do shareholders have the right to participate in:

Apakah pemegang saham memiliki hak untuk berpartisipasi dalam :


Amendments to the company’s constitution?

Perubahan atas Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan?


As set forth in the Company’s Articles of Association Article 26 paragraph (1): Amendment to the Articles of Association shall be determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). Where the determination requires approval from the Shareholders.

The Company always conveys information related to the agenda of the meeting if there is an amendment to the Articles of Association.

Sebagaimana tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan Pasal 26 ayat (1) bahwasanya Pengubahan Anggaran Dasar ditetapkan oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS). Dimana penetapan tersebut memerlukan persetujuan dari Pemegang Saham.

Perseroan selalu menyampaikan informasi terkait mata agenda rapat apabila terdapat pengubahan Anggaran Dasar.


The authorisation of additional shares?

Kewenangan atas saham tambahan?


It is stated in the Articles of Association of the Company Article 4 (paragraph 8) that the addition of the authorized capital of the Company can only be made based on the approval of the GMS. The determination requires approval from the Shareholders.

The Company always conveys information related to the agenda of the meeting if there is an amendment to the Articles of Association

Tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan Pasal 4 (ayat 8) Penambahan modal dasar Perseroan hanya dapat dilakukan berdasarkan Persetujuan RUPS. Dimana penetapan tersebut memerlukan persetujuan dari Pemegang Saham.

Perseroan selalu menyampaikan informasi terkait mata agenda rapat apabila terdapat pengubahan Anggaran Dasar.


The transfer of all or substantially all assets, which in effect results in the sale of the company?

Mengalihkan seluruh atau sebagian besar aktiva yang mempengaruhi harga jual perusahaan?


Regarding the transfer of wealth, all or most of the assets that affect the selling price of the Company, it is stated in the Articles of Association of the Company, article 12 paragraph 6, which requires Shareholders’ Approval in carrying out such legal actions.

Terkait pengalihan kekayaan seluruh atau sebagian besar aktiva yang mempengaruhi harga jual Perusahaan telah tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan pasal 12 ayat 6, dimana memerlukan Persetujuan Pemegang Saham dalam menjalankan perbuatan hukum tersebut.


Do shareholders have the opportunity, evidenced by an agenda item, to approve remuneration (fees, allowances, benefits-in-kind and other emoluments) or any increases in remuneration for the non-executive directors/ commissioners?

Apakah Pemegang Saham memiliki kesempatan, yang dibuktikan dengan agenda, untuk menyetujui penetapan remunerasi (honor, tunjangan, manfaat dan tunjangan lainnya) bagi Direktur Non-Eksekutif/ Komisaris?


Determination of Remuneration is a routine agenda in every General Meeting of Shareholders to seek approval from the Shareholders. Thus, the Company gives the opportunity for shareholders to vote on the determination of remuneration.

Penetapan Remunerasi merupakan agenda rutin dalam setiap Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham untuk meminta persetujuan Pemegang Saham. Dalam hal ini Perseroan selalu memberikan kesempatan kepada Pemegang saham untuk memberikan hak suara terkait Penetapan Remunerasi.


Does the company provide non-controlling shareholders a right to nominate candidates for board of directors/commissioners?

Apakah perusahaan memberikan hak bagi Pemegang Saham bukan pengendali untuk mengajukan calon anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris

N0 The Company does not provide right to the non-controlling Shareholder to nominate the Board of Commissioners/Directors of the Company in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association in article 11 paragraph (13) and Article 14 paragraph (16) stating that Proposal of appointment, termination and/or replacement of member of the Directors and Board of Commissioners to the General Meeting of Shareholders should take into account recommendation from the Board of Commissioners or Committee performing nomination function.

Perusahaan tidak memberikan hak kepada Pemegang Saham non pengendali untuk mencalonkan Dewan Komisaris/Direksi Perusahaan, sesuai Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan pasal 11 ayat (13) serta Pasal 14 ayat (16) yang menyatakan bahwa Usulan Pengangkatan, pemberhentian, dan/ atau penggantian, anggota Direksi/anggota Dewan Komisaris, kepada RUPS harus memperhatikan rekomendasi dari Dewan Komisaris atau Komite yang menjalankan fungsi nominasi.


Does the company allow shareholders to elect directors/commissioners individually?

Apakah perusahaan memberikan hak Pemegang Saham secara individu untuk memilih anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris?


In accordance with explanation on parameter A.3.2

The Company does not provide right to the Shareholder to nominate the Board of Commissioners/Directors of the Company in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association in article 11 paragraph (13) and Article 14 paragraph (16) stating that Proposal of appointment, termination and/or replacement of member of the Directors and Board of Commissioners to the General Meeting of Shareholders should take into account recommendation from the Board of Commissioners or committee performing nomination function.

Sesuai penjelasan pada parameter A.3.2

Perusahaan tidak memberikan hak kepada Pemegang Saham non pengendali untuk mengangkat Dewan Komisaris/Direksi Perusahaan, sesuai Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan pasal 11 ayat (13) serta Pasal 14 ayat (16) yang menyatakan bahwa Usulan Pengangkatan , pemberhentian, dan/ atau penggantian, anggota Direksi/anggota Dewan Komisaris, kepada RUPS harus memperhatikan rekomendasi dari Dewan Komisaris atau Komite yang menjalankan fungsi nominasi.


Does the company disclose the voting and vote tabulation procedures used, declaring both before the meeting proceeds?

Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan prosedur pemungutan suara dan cara tabulasi pemungutan suara yang digunakan, dan kedua hal tersebut disampaikan sebelum rapat berlangsung?


The Company discloses voting procedures and voting tabulation methods and this is stated in the rules of the General Meeting of Shareholders. The GMS rules are distributed to shareholders before the meeting is commenced

Perusahaan mengungkapkan prosedur suara dan cara tabulasi pemungutan suara dan hal ini tercantum dalam tata tertib Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. Tata tertib RUPS dibagikan kepada pemegang saham sebelum rapat berlangsung.


Do the minutes of the most recent AGM record that there was an opportunity allowing for shareholders to ask questions or raise issues?

Apakah dalam risalah RUPS terakhir mencatat adanya kesempatan bagi pemegang saham untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dan mengangkat masalah-masalah yang ada?


The minutes of the last GMS stated the opportunity for shareholders to ask questions and raise issues.

Risalah RUPS terakhir mencatat adanya kesempatan bagi pemegang saham untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dan mengangkat masalah-masalah yang ada,


Do the minutes of the most recent AGM record questions and answers?

Apakah risalah RUPS terakhir mencatat Tanya-Jawab?


Question and Answer of the AGMS available in the Minutes of Meeting.

Pertanyaan dan Jawaban dalam RUPS tersedia dalam Risalah RUPS


Did the disclosure of the outcome of the most recent AGM include resolution(s)?

Apakah risalah RUPS terakhir mengungkapkan hasil keputusan rapat?


The disclosure of the outcome of the most recent AGM has included resolution(s)

Publikasi hasil RUPS juga telah mencantumkan keputusan dari masing-masing mata acara Rapat.


Did the company disclose the voting results including approving, dissenting, and abstaining votes for each agenda item for the most recent AGM?

Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan hasil voting, termasuk persetujuan, perbedaan dan abstain terhadap pemungutan suara untuk masing-masing butir yang ada dalam agenda RUPS?


The Company disclose the voting results including approving, dissenting, and abstaining votes for each agenda item for the most recent AGM in the summary of Minutes of Meeting which was published on the website.

Perusahaan mengungkapkan hasil pemungutan suara dalam RUPS, termasuk persetujuan, perbedaan dan abstain untuk masing-masing mata acara rapat dalam Ringkasan RUPS yang dipublikasikan dalam website.


Did the company disclose the list of board members who attended the most recent AGM?

Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan daftar hadir anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dalam risalah RUPS terakhir?


The Company discloses the list of board members who attended the most recent AGM and it stated in the summary of Minutes of the AGM.

Perusahaan mengungkapkan daftar hadir anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang tercantum dalam dalam risalah RUPS. .


Did the chairman of the board of directors/commissioners attend the most recent AGM?

Apakah Direktur Utama dan Komisaris Utama hadir dalam RUPS terakhir?


The Chairman of the board of Directors/Commissioners attended the most recent AGM.

Direktur Utama dan Komisaris Utama hadir dalam RUPS terakhir


Did the CEO/managing director/president attend the most recent AGM?

Apakah Direktur Utama hadir dalam RUPS terakhir?


The President Director attended the most recent AGM.

Direktur Utama hadir dalam RUPS terakhir.


Did the chairman of the Audit Committee attend the most recent AGM?

Apakah Ketua Komite Audit menghadiri RUPS yang terakhir?


The Chairman of Audit Committee in the AGM attended the most recent AGM.

Ketua Komite Audit menghadiri RUPS yang terakhir


Did the company organize their most recent AGM in an easy to reach location?

Apakah perusahaan mengatur agar lokasi diselenggarakannya RUPS mudah dicapai?


In determining the location of the GMS, the Company always considers the location of the event which is close to the Company’s Main Office and the convenience of Shareholders in attending the Meeting.

Dalam menentukan lokasi penyelenggaraan RUPS Perseroan selalu mempertimbangkan lokasi acara yang dekat dengan Kantor Utama Perseroan serta kemudahan Pemegang Saham dalam menghadiri Rapat.


Does the company allow for voting in absentia?

Apakah perusahaan memungkinkan untuk memberikan suara berdasarkan kuasa bagi peserta RUPS yang tidak hadir?


The Company provides facilities for Shareholders who are unable to attend the GMS to cast voting rights through a power of attorney to the Company’s Securities Administration Bureau, namely PT Datindo Entrycom and can provide e-proxy through the KSEI Electronic General Meeting System (eASY.KSEI) facility as an electronic power of attorney as part to participate in voting in the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Perseroan menyediakan fasilitas bagi Pemegang Saham yang berhalangan hadir dalam RUPS untuk memberikan hak suara melalui surat kuasa kepada Biro Administasi Efek Perseroan yaitu PT Datindo Entrycom dan bisa memberikan e-proxy melalui fasilitas Electronic General Meeting System KSEI (eASY.KSEI) sebagai mekanisme pemberian kuasa secara elektronik untuk berpartisipasi dalam memberikan hak suara dalam Rapat.


Did the company vote by poll (as opposed to by show of hands) for all resolutions at the most recent AGM?

Apakah perusahaan melakukan pemungutan suara (bukan hanya dengan cara mengacungkan tangan) untuk semua keputusan RUPS terbaru?


The voting in each agenda of the Meeting is carried out with open polling, of which those who are casting votes to DISAGREE and/or ABSTAIN, are permitted to raise their hands and submit to the Meeting personnel the voting cards that they have filled in.

In addition, the Company provides the KSEI Electronic General Meeting System (eASY.KSEI) facility as an electronic voting mechanism.

Pemungutan suara terhadap setiap mata acara Rapat dilakukan secara terbuka dengan prosedur mempersilahkan mereka yang TIDAK SETUJU dan/atau memberikan suara ABSTAIN untuk mengangkat tangan dan menyerahkan kartu suara yang telah diisi kepada petugas Rapat.

Selain itu Perseroan menyediakan fasilitas Electronic General Meeting System KSEI (eASY.KSEI) sebagai salah satu cari mekanisme pemungutan suara secara elektronik.


Does the company disclose that it has appointed an independent party (scrutineers/inspectors) to count and/or validate the votes at the AGM?

Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan bahwa Perusahaan telah menunjuk pihak independen dalam menghitung dan/atau memvalidasi suara pada RUPS?


The Company has appointed the independent parties namely PT Datindo Entrycom and Notary and PPAT (Land Deed Official) Rini Yulianti, S.H., to count and/or validate the votes of the Meeting


Perseroan telah menunjuk pihak independen yaitu Biro Administrasi Efek PT Datindo Entrycom dan Kantor Notaris Rini Yulianti, S.H., M.Kn. untuk melakukan penghitungan suara dan/atau melakukan validasi..


Does the company publish the result of the votes taken during the most recent AGM for all resolutions by the next working day?

Apakah perusahaan mempublikasikan hasil pemungutan suara atas semua keputusan pada RUPS pada hari kerja berikutnya?


The company publishes the most recent GMS resolutions within 2 working days according to POJK rehilation no 15/2020


Perseroan mempublikasikan hasil pemungutan suara atas semua keputusan RUPS paling lambat 2 hari kerja sesuai dengan ketentuan POJK 15/2020.


Do companies provide at least 21 days notice for all resolutions?

Apakah Perusahaan memberikan pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu (sekurangnya 21 hari) untuk pengambilan seluruh keputusan?


In accordance with regulation of OJK (Financial Service Authority) No.32/POJK.04/2014 and POJK 15/POJK.04/2020, the Company publishes the Notice of AGM at 21 days before the date of AGMS

Sesuai ketentuan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) no. 32/POJK.04/2014 dan POJK 15 /POJK.04/2020 dimana pemanggilan RUPS dilakukan 21 hari sebelum tanggal pelaksanaan RUPS.


Does the company provide the rationale and explanation for each agenda item which require shareholders’ approval in the notice of AGM/circulars and/or the accompanying statement?

Apakah Perusahaan memberikan alasan dan penjelasan untuk setiap butir agenda yang memerlukan persetujuan Pemegang Saham dalam pemberitahuan RUPS/Sirkuler


In accordance with regulation of OJK No. 32/POJK.04/2014 and POJK 15 /POJK.04/2020 related to the Notice of AGM that each agenda of the meeting should contain the explanation. In the invitation Notice of AGMS for the Financial Year 2018, the Company has explained each item of the agenda.

Sesuai dengan peraturan OJK No. 32/POJK.04/2014 dan POJK 15/POJK.04/2020 terkait dengan Panggilan RUPS bahwa setiap agenda rapat harus berisi penjelasan.


In cases of mergers, acquisitions and/or takeovers, does the board of directors/commissioners of the offeree company appoint an independent party to evaluate the fairness of the transaction price?

Dalam hal merger, akuisisi dan/atau pengambilalihan, apakah Direksi/Dewan Komisaris, selaku pihak yang menawarkan, menunjuk pihak independen untuk mengevaluasi kewajaran harga transaksi?


Referring to the applicable laws and regulations. Until now, the Company has not taken any corporate actions in terms of mergers, acquisitions and/or takeovers.

Mengacu pada Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Sampai saat ini Perseroan tidak melakukan aksi Korporasi dalam hal merger, akuisisi dan/atau pengambilalihan.


Does the company publicly disclose policies to encourage shareholders including institutional shareholders to attend the GMS?

Apakah Perusahaan secara terbuka mengungkapkan kebijakan untuk mendorong Pemegang Saham termasuk Pemegang Saham institusional untuk menghadiri RUPS?


As forth in invitation of GMS.

Sebagaimana tercantum dalam setiap Pemanggilan RUPS.

Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

Self Assessment - Part B

No. Questions Yes/No or N/A Answer Implementation Link of Evidence/ Document

Do the company’s ordinary or common shares have one vote for one share?

Apakah saham biasa Perusahaan bisa memberikan satu suara untuk satu saham?


As stated in the Company’s Articles of Association article 21 paragraph 11 regarding the Rights of Shareholders, it is stated that in the General Meeting of Shareholders each share gives the owner the right to cast 1 (one) vote.

Sebagaimana tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan pasal 21 ayat 11 terkait Hak Pemegang Saham menyatakan bahwa Dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham tiap saham memberikan hak kepada pemiliknya untuk mengeluarkan 1 (satu) suara.


Where the company has more thanone class of shares, does the company publicize the voting rights attached to each class of shares (e.g. through the company website/reports /the stock exchange/the regulator‘s website)?

Apabila Perusahaan memiliki lebih dari satu kelas saham, apakah Perusahaan mempublikasikan hak suara yang melekat pada kelas saham tersebut (misalnya melalui situs perusahaan atau laporan atau bursa saham atau situs regulator)?


In the AoA does not stipulate class of shares. Shareholders shall have the same rights and every 1 (one) share gives 1 (one) voting rights.

Dalam Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan tidak ditetapkan adanya kelas saham. Maka pemegang saham Perusahaan mempunyai hak yang sama dan setiap 1 (satu) saham memberikan 1 (satu) hak suara.


Does each resolution in the mostrecent AGM deal with only one item, i.e. there is no bundling of several items into the same resolution?

Apakah masing-masing resolusi di RUPS terakhir hanya satu agenda dan tidak digabungkan dengan beberapa agenda lainnya dalam satu resolusi?


In the GMS, each resolution deal with only one item as stated on the summary of resolution of GMS.

Dalam RUPS, masing- masing agenda hanya memutuskan 1 (satu) keputusan Rapat, tidak ada keputusan yang digabungkan.


Are the company’s notice of the mostRecent AGM/circulars fully translated into English and published on the same date as the local-language version?

Apakah pemberitahuan RUPS/edaran sepenuhnya diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris-dan diterbitkan pada saat yang bersamaan dengan versi bahasa lokal?


Notification of the GMS is announced in Indonesian and English to the Shareholders of the Company has been made through: (i) Indonesia Stock Exchange website (ii) Company website (iii) eASY KSEI website.

Pemberitahuan RUPS dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris kepada Pemegang Saham Perusahaan dilakukan melalui: (i) Situs web Bursa Efek Indonesia (ii) Situs web Perusahaan (iii) Situs web eASY KSEI.

Does the notice of AGM/circularshave the following details:

Apakah pemberitahuan RUPS / edaran memiliki rincian sebagai berikut:


Are the profiles of Directors/Commissioners (at least age, qualification, date of first appointment, experience, and directorships in other listed companies) in seeking election/re- election included?

Apakah profil anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris (sekurang-kurangnya umur kualifikasi, tanggal pengangkatan, pengalaman dan jabatan Direktur di perusahaan tercatat lainnya) dicantumkan sebagai syarat pada pemilihan/pemilihan kembali?


All profiles of the members of The Directors / Board of Commissioners for one of the election’s requirement are disclosed in the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Seluruh profil Anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris sebagai syarat pada pemilihan, dicantumkan dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham.


Are the auditors seekingappointment/re-appointment clearly identified?

Apakah penunjukkan/penunjukan kembali auditor diperkenalkan secara jelas?


In the summons for the AGMS, the Company delegates and grants authority to the Board of Commissioners to appoint a Public Accounting Firm registered with the OJK that will audit the Company’ financial statement and to determine the criteria for a Public Accounting Firm in accordance with applicable regulations, and to authorize the Directors to determine the honorarium and other requirements for the Public Accounting Firm.

Dalam setiap Rapat umum pemegang saham tahunan Perseroan mendelegasikan wewenang kepada Dewan Komisaris Perseroan untuk menunjuk Kantor Akuntan Publik yang terdaftar di OJK yang akan mengaudit laporan keuangan Perseroan serta menetapkan kriteria Kantor Akuntan Publik sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, serta memberikan wewenang kepada Direksi Perseroan untuk menetapkan honorarium dan persyaratan lainnya bagi Kantor Akuntan Publik tersebut.


Has an explanation of the dividendpolicy been provided?

Apakah kebijakan dividen dijelaskan?


In relation to dividend policy, the Company always pays attention to its financial condition with a healthy liquidity, capital structure and projected capital goods investment expenditure in accordance with the Company’s strategy and targets. The amount of dividends distributed is related to the Company’s net profit in the relevant financial year and the business development plan as part of Retained Earnings.

Terkait kebijakan dividen, Perseroan senantiasa memperhatikan kondisi keuangan dengan likuiditas yang sehat, struktur modal dan proyeksi pengeluaran investasi barang modal sesuai dengan strategi dan target perusahaan. Besarnya dividen yang dibagikan berkaitan dengan laba perusahaan pada tahun buku yang bersangkutan dan rencana pengembangan usaha Perseroan sebagai bagian dari laba ditahan (Retained Earnings).


Is the amount payable for finaldividends disclosed?

Apakah mengungkapkan jumlah pembayaran dividen final ?


We disclose the final dividends amount.

As of December 31, 2021, the Company has distributed 5 dividend payments with a total payout of IDR156 billion including cash dividends and interim dividends. From the financial year 2017 to 2020, the average dividend distribution was IDR6 per share and the average payout ratio was18,8%.

Perseroan mengungkapkan jumlah pembayaran dividen final.

Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2021, Perseroan telah melakukan 5 kali pembayaran dividen dengan total pembayaran sebesar Rp156 miliar termasuk dividen tunai dan interim dividen. Rata-rata pembagian dividen sebesar Rp6 per saham dan rata-rata rasio pembayaran sebesar 18,8% dari tahun buku 2017 sampai dengan 2020.


Documents required to be proxy/ Were the proxy documents made easily available?

Apakah mencantumkan bahwa dokumen yang membutuhkan surat kuasa atau dokumen surat kuasa mudah tersedia?


Information regarding power of attorney and power of attorney documents are listed on the Company’s website.

Informasi mengenai surat kuasa serta dokumen surat kuasa tercantum dalam website Perseroan.


Does the company have policiesand/or rules prohibiting directors/commissioners and employees to benefit from knowledge, which is not generally available to the market?

Apakah Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan dan/atau peraturan yang melarang Direksi/Dewan Komisaris dan Karyawan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari informasi yang umumnya tidak tersedia untuk pasar?


The Company has a policy that prohibits the Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners and Employees from benefiting from information not generally available to the market, as stated in the Insider Trading Prevention Policy.

Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan yang melarang Direksi/Dewan Komisaris dan Karyawan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari informasi yang umumnya tidak tersedia untuk pasar, sebagaimana tercantum Kebijakan Pencegahan Perdagangan Oleh Orang Dalam.


Are the directors and commissioners required to report their dealings in company shares within 3 business days?

Apakah Direksi/Dewan Komisaris wajib melaporkan transaksi mereka pada saham Perusahaan dalam waktu 3 hari kerja?


Based on Regulation of the Financial Services Authority Number 11 / POJK.04 / 2017 concerning Ownership Reports or Any Changes in Ownership of Public Company Shares, the Directors and Board of Commissioners required to report their transaction in company shares within 10 business days according to OJK regulation.

Merujuk pada peraturan OJK Nomor 11/POJK.04/2017tentang Laporan Kepemilikan Atau Setiap Perubahan Kepemilikan Saham Perusahaan Terbuka Direksi/Dewan Komisaris wajib melaporkan transaksi mereka pada saham Perusahaan dalam waktu 10 hari kerja.


Are Directors and Commissionersrequired to disclose their interest intransactions and any others conflicts of interest?

Apakah anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris mengungkapkan kepentingan mereka dalam bertransaksi dan beberapa benturan kepentingan lainnya?


The statement of no conflict of interest made by the Board of Commissioners and the Directors is listed in the Annual Report, at the corporate governance section.

Pernyataan tidak adanya benturan kepentingan yang dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan dalam bagian Tata Kelola Perusahaan.


Does the company have a policyRequiring a committee of independent The Directors/ commissioners to review material/significant RPT (Related Party Transaction) to determine whether they are in the best interests of the company and shareholders?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki kebijakan yang mensyaratkan suatu komite Dewan Komisaris untuk mereview Related Party Transaction (RPT) yang material/ signifikan untuk memastikan bahwa para Direktur mendahulukan kepentingan Perusahaan dan Pemegang Saham?


The Company has a policy that requires the Audit Committee to conduct periodic review on Related Party Transactions to ensure The Directors prioritize the interests of the Company and Shareholders.

This is stated in the Audit Committee Charter dated 19 September 2017 on point 8 regarding the duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee, namely reviewing and giving advice to the Board of Commissioners regarding the potential conflict of interest.

Perusahaan memiliki Kebijakan yang mensyaratkan Komite Audit melakukan kajian secara periodik terkait Transaksi berelasi/afiliasi yang memastikan bahwa para Direktur mendahukukan kepentingan Perusahaan dan Pemegang Saham.

Hal ini Tertuang di dalam Piagam Komite Audit tertanggal 19 September 2017 pada butir 8 mengenai tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite Audit yaitu menelaah dan memberikan saran kepada Dewan Komisaris terkait dengan adanya potensi benturan kepentingan.


Does the company have a policyrequiring board members (directors/ commissioners) to abstain from participating in the board discussion on a particular agenda when they are conflicted?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki kebijakan yang mengharuskan anggota direksi/ dewan komisaris untuk absen/ tidak berpartisipasi dalam rapat direksi/dewan komisaris mengenai agenda tertentu dimana mereka memiliki benturan kepentingan?


The company has the policy related to conflicts of interest set forth in the Articles of Association of the Company Article 12 paragraph (7).

Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan terkait benturan kepentingan yang tertuang dalam Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan Pasal 12 ayat (7).


Does the company have policies onloans to directors and commissioners either forbidding this practice or ensuring that they are being conducted at arm’s length basis and at market rates?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki kebijakan atas pinjaman kepada anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris baik melarang praktik ini atau memastikan bahwa transaksi dilakukan sebagaimana transaksi dengan pihak yang tidak terafiliasi dan dengan harga pasar?


The company does not have have policies onloans to directors and commissioners.

Perusahaan belum memiliki kebijakan atas pinjaman kepada anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris.


Were there any RPTs that can be classified as financial assistance toentities other than wholly-owned subsidiary companies?

Apakah ada RPTs yang dapat diklasifikasian sebagai bantuan keuangan kepada entitas selain anak-anak perusahaan yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Perusahaan?


Company does not have the RPA that can be classified as financial assistance toentities other than wholly-owned subsidiary companies.

Sampai saat ini Perseran tidak memiliki transaksi afiliasi dalam bentuk bantuan keuangan kepada entitas selain anak perusahaan.


Does the company disclose that RPTsare conducted in such a way to ensure that they are fair and at arms’ length?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan bahwa RPTs dilakukan sedemikian rupa untuk memastikan bahwa transaksi tersebut adalah wajar dan dilakukan sebagaimana halnya pada pihak yang tidak terafiliasi?


IMC Pelita Logistik disclosed the Related Party Transaction is reasonable as stated in the audited annual financial statement.

IMC Pelita Logistik mengungkapkan bahwa transaksi afiliasi atau berelasi tersebut adalah wajar sebagaimana tertuang dalam laporan keuangan audit tahunan.

Role of Shareholders

Self Assessment - Part C

No. Questions Yes/No or N/A Answer Implementation Link of Evidence/ Document

Does the Company disclose a policy that:

Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan terkait:


Stipulates the existence and scope of the company’s efforts to address customers’ health and safety?

Menyatakan keberadaan dan lingkup upaya perusahaan untuk mengatasi kesehatan dan keselamatan konsumen?


The Company implements the International Safety System by adopting the ISM Code and OHSAS 18001: 2007. This system guarantees that all shipping operations and procedures prioritize the safety of people include Customers, goods and the environment. The policy was disclosed in the 2018 Annual Report

Perseroan menerapkan Sistem Keselamatan Internasional dengan mengadopsi ISM Code dan OHSAS 18001: 2007. Sistem ini menjamin bahwa semua operasi pelayaran dan prosedurnya mengedepankan keselamatan manusia termasuk konsumen, barang dan lingkungan. Kebijakan tersebut diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018


Explains supplier/contractor selection practice?

Menjelaskan praktek seleksi pemasok/kontraktor?


IMC Pelita Logistik has an internal SOP policy regarding supplier / contractor selection but is not disclosed in the 2018 Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki kebijakan SOP terkait seleksi pemasok/kontraktor namun tidak diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018.


Describes the company’s effort to ensure that its value chain is environmentally friendly or is consistent with promoting sustainable development?

Menjelaskan upaya perusahaan untuk memastikan bahwa value chain (proses operasi perusahaan dalam menghasilkan output yang bernilai) adalah ramah lingkungan atau konsisten dengan mendorong pembangunan berkelanjutan?


IMC Pelita Logistik has made several efforts to ensure that the value chain is environmentally friendly and consistent in driving sustainable development:

1. Use of Environmentally Friendly materials and energy

2. Waste treatment system

3. Grievance mechanism and the handling of environmental problems

4. Environmental Certification ISO 14001:2015

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki beberapa upaya dalam memastikan bahwa value chain adalah ramah lingkungan dan konsisten dalam mendorong pembangunan berkelanjutan:

1. Penggunaan material dan energi ramah lingkungan

2. SOP pengelolaan Limbah Perseroan

3. Mekanisme pengaduan dan penanganan masalah lingkungan

4. Sertifikasi Sistem Management Lingkungan ISO 14001:2015


Elaborates the company’s efforts to interact with the communities in which they operate?

Menguraikan upaya sistematis perusahaan untuk berinteraksi dengan masyarakat di mana mereka beroperasi?


The realization of the Company’s Program interacting with the community through CSR programs in the operation area is disclosed in the Company’s 2018 Annual Report

Realisasi Program Perusahaan dalam berinteraksi dengan masyarakat melalui program CSR di sekitar wilayah operasi diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan Perseroan 2018


Directs the company’s anti-corruption programs and procedures?

Mengarahkan program dan prosedur anti-korupsi di perusahaan?


The Company’s anti-corruption procedures are disclosed in in the Annual report 2018.

Below are the SOP which are kept internally by the Company.

1. Gratification Control Policy PTIMC Pelita Logistik/SOP/GR-01

2. Whistle Blowing System Policy PTIMC Pelita Logistik/SOP/WBS-01

Prosedur anti korupsi Perusahaan telah diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018.

Dibawah ini adalah Prosedur/SOP yang disimpan di internal IMC Pelita Logistik.

1. SOP Gratifikasi PTIMC Pelita Logistik/SOP/GR-01

2. SOP Whistle Blowing System PTIMC Pelita Logistik/SOP/WBS-01


Describes how creditors’ rights are safeguarded?

Menjelaskan bagaimana hak kreditur telah dilindungi?


The IMC Pelita Logistik policy that sets out how the rights of creditors is protected has been stated in the credit facility master agreement with the creditor. This document is kept by IMC Pelita Logistik and Creditor.

Kebijakan IMC Pelita Logistik yang menjabarkan bagaimana hak kreditur dilindungi, telah tercantum dalam perjanjian induk fasilitas kredit dengan pihak kreditur. Dokumen ini disimpan oleh pihak IMC Pelita Logistik dan Kreditur.

Does the company disclose the activities that it has undertaken to implement the below mentioned policies?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan untuk melaksanakan kebijakan- kebijakan yang disebutkan di bawah?


Customer health and safety

Kesehatan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan pelanggan


The Company has an HSSE SOP for those (Customer, Employees) who visit to vessel. The HSSE team always gives guidance on work safety and always wears personal safety equipment. The activity has been disclosed in Annual Report.

Perseroan memiliki SOP HSSE bagi siapapun yang melakukan kunjungan kerja ke kapal selalu diberikan pengarahan tentang keselamatan kerja dan selalu menggunakan Peralatan Keselamatan. Kegiatan tersebut telah diungkapkan dalan laporan tahunan.


Supplier/contractor selection and criteria

Seleksi dan kriteria pemasok/kontraktor


The company has SOP on supplier selection criteria and processes. The SOP has not disclosed in IMC Pelita Logistik website.

Perseroan memiliki Kebijakan terkait kriteria dan proses seleksi pemasok secara rinci yang disimpan secara internal dan tidak dicantumkan dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik.


Environmentally-friendly value chain

Value chain yang ramah lingkungan


In the daily work process, IMC Pelita Logistik always prioritizes environmentally friendly materials according to the HSSE SOP and as stated in the 2018 Annual Company Report.

Dalam proses kerja sehari hari, IMC Pelita Logistik selalu mengutamakan material yang ramah lingkungan sesuai dengan SOP HSSE sebagaimana tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan 2018


Interaction with the communities

Interaksi dengan masyarakat


The Company carries out various CSR activities as a form of corporate social responsibility to the environment, society and other stakeholders. This is stated in the 2018 Annual Report.

Perseroan mengadakan berbagai kegiatan CSR sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan terhadap lingkungan, masyarakat dan stakeholders lainnya. Hal ini tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018.


Anti-corruption programmes and procedures

Anti-korupsi program dan prosedur


The Company’s anti-corruption procedures are listed in

1. Gratification Control Policy PTIMC Pelita Logistik / SOP / GR-01

2. Whistle Blowing System Policy PTIMC Pelita Logistik / SOP / WBS-01

And disclose in 2018 Annual Report, company’s website and has been socialized to all employees in October 2018

Prosedur anti korupsi Perusahaan tercantum dalam :

1. Gratification Control Policy PTIMC Pelita Logistik/SOP/GR-01

2. Whistle Blowing System Policy PTIMC Pelita Logistik/SOP/WBS-01

Dan dicantumkan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018, website perusahaan dan telah disosialisasikan kepada seluruh karyawan pada bulan oktober 2018


Creditors’ rights

Hak Kreditur


The IMC Pelita Logistik policy that stated how the rights of creditors is protected has been stated in the credit facility master agreement with the creditor. This policy is not disclosed on the company’s website.

Kebijakan IMC Pelita Logistik yang menjabarkan bagaimana hak kreditur dilindungi, telah tercantum dalam perjanjian induk fasilitas kredit dengan pihak kreditur. Kebijakan ini belum tercantum dalam website perusahaan.


Does the company have a separate corporate social responsibility (CSR) report/section or sustainability report/section?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki laporan tanggung jawab perusahaan (CSR) / laporan keberlanjutan yang terpisah?


IMC Pelita Logistik has a Corporate Social Responsibility report (CSR) and disclosed in the 2018 annual report

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki laporan Tanggung Jawab Sosial perusahaan (CSR) yang tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018


Does the company provide contact details via the company’s website or annual report which stakeholders (e.g. customers, suppliers, general public etc) can use to voice their concerns and/or complaints for possible violation of their rights?

Apakah perusahaan memberikan rincian kontak melalui website perusahaan atau laporan tahunan dimana para pemangku kepentingan (pelanggan misalnya, pemasok, dll masyarakat umum) dapat mengungkapkan keprihatinan mereka dan/atau pengaduan atas pelanggaran yang mungkin hak-hak mereka?


Concerns and/or complaints for possible violation through mechanism of Whistleblowing System. The system has been published in the Company’s website and Annual Report.

Keprihatinan dan/atau pengaduan atas pelanggaran melalui mekanisme yang disebut Sistem Whistleblowing. Sistem tersebut tercantum dalam website Perusahaan dan Laporan Tahunan.


Does the company explicitly disclose the health, safety and welfare policy for its employees?

Apakah perusahaan eksplisit mengungkapkan kebijakan kesehatan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan bagi karyawannya?


The company discloses the health, safety and welfare policies which has been stated in the Company Regulations and annual reports. Socialization and training are conducted regularly.

Perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan kesehatan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan yang tercantum dalam Peraturan Perusahaan dan Laporan Tahunan serta melakukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan secara berkala.


Does the company publish data relating to health, safety and welfare of its employees?

Apakah perusahaan menerbitkan data yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan karyawannya?


Statements relating to the health, safety and welfare of its employees have been published in Annual Report and can be accessed on the Company’s website.

Pernyataan yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan karyawannya telah dipublikasikan dalam Laporan Tahunan yang dapat diakses di website perusahaan.


Does the company have training and development programs for its employees?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki program pelatihan dan pengembangan bagi karyawan?


The company has an employee training and development program. This program has been disclosed in 2018 Annual Report.

Perusahaan memiliki program pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan. Program ini telah diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018.


Does the company publish data on training and development programmes for its employees?

Apakah perusahaan menerbitkan data program pelatihan dan pengembangan bagi karyawan?


Details of data training for employees has been disclosed in Annual Report 2018.

Detail data pelatihan untuk karyawan telah tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018.


Does the company have a reward/compensation policy that accounts for the performance of the company beyond short-term financial measures?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki kebijakan imbalan/ kompensasi yang berdasarkan kinerja perusahaan lebih dari ukuran keuangan jangka pendek?


The Company complies with PP No. 45 of 2015 regarding the implementation of the pension insurance program, by involving all employees in the Pension BPJS program.

Perseroan mematuhi kebijakan PP No 45 Tahun 2015 tentang penyelenggaraan program jaminan pensiun, dengan mengikut sertakan seluruh karyawan dalam program BPJS Pensiun.


Does the company have procedures for complaints by employees concerning illegal (including corruption) and unethical behaviour?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki prosedur pengaduan oleh karyawan mengenai perilaku ilegal (termasuk korupsi) dan tidak etis?


IMC Pelita Logistik has a complaints system called Whistleblowing System, managed by Ethics Committee regarding reporting violations (illegal behavior including corruption). The mechanism is published on the website and Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki sistem pengaduan (Whistleblowing) yang dikelola oleh Komite Etik mengenai pelaporan pelanggaran (perilaku illegal termasuk korupsi). Mekanisme tersebut dipublikasikan dalam website dan Laporan Tahunan.


Does the company have a policy or procedures to protect an employee/person who reveals illegal/unethical behavior from retaliation?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki kebijakan atau prosedur untuk melindungi karyawan /orang yang mengungkapkan perilaku ilegal / tidak etis dari pembalasan?


IMC Pelita Logistik has a policy stated that the management of the whistleblowing system must keep the data confidentiality of those who submit the report, including the contents of the report. The mechanism is published on the website and Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki kebijakan yang menyatakan bahwa pengelola whistleblowing system wajib merahasiakan data pihak yang menyampaikan laporan, termasuk isi laporan. Mekanisme tersebut dipublikasikan dalam website dan Laporan Tahunan.

Disclosure and Transparency

Self Assessment - Part D

No. Questions Yes/No or N/A Answer Implementation Evidence

Does the information on shareholdings reveal the identity of beneficial owners, holding 5% shareholding or more?

Apakah informasi kepemilikan saham mengungkap identitas dari pemegang saham yang memiliki kepemilikan 5% atau lebih?


The information on shareholdings is available in IMC Pelita Logistik website and in the Annual Report has revealed the identity of beneficial owners, holding 5% shareholding or more

Informasi atas Pemegang Saham terdapat dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik dan dalam Laporan Tahunan telah mengungkapkan nama pemegang saham yang memiliki 5% saham atau lebih.


Does the company disclose the direct and indirect (deemed) shareholdings of major and/or substantial shareholders?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkap informasi kepemilikan saham secara langsung dan tidak langsung dari pemegang saham mayoritas dan pemegang saham porsi besar?


The company reports share ownership information directly and indirectly from majority shareholders and large shareholders every month on the IDX website

Perusahaan melaporkan informasi kepemilikan saham secara langsung dan tidak langsung dari pemegang saham mayoritas dan pemegang saham porsi besar setiap bulan di website BEI.


Does the company disclose the direct and indirect (deemed) shareholdings of directors/commissioners?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkap informasi kepemilikan saham langsung dan tidak langsung dari Direksi (Dewan Komisaris)?


IMC Pelita Logistik has revealed the ownership of the Board of Commissioners and Directors in the 2018 Annual Report and report the information monthly on the IDX website.

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi di dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018 dan melaporkan informasi setiap bulan di situs IDX


Does the company disclose the direct and indirect (deemed) shareholdings of senior management?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkap informasi kepemilikan saham langsung dan tidak langsung dari Senior Manajemen?


IMC Pelita Logistik has revealed the ownership of the Board of Commissioners and Directors in the 2018 Annual Report and reports the information monthly on the IDX website.

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi di dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018 dan melaporkan informasi setiap bulan di situs IDX.


Does the company disclose details of the parent/holding company, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and special purpose enterprises/vehicles (SPEs)/(SPVs)?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkap informasi mengenai Induk Perusahaan, Anak Perusahaan, Perusahaan Asosiasi, usaha patungan dan Special purpose enterprise/vehicle (SPEs)/(SPVs)?


The Company does not have the parent/ holding company, subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and special purpose enterprises/vehicles (SPEs)/(SPVs)

Perseroan tidak memiliki Induk Perusahaan, Anak Perusahaan, Perusahaan Asosiasi, usaha patungan dan Special purpose enterprise/vehicle (SPEs)/(SPVs)

Does the company’s annual report disclose the following items:

Apakah laporan tahunan perusahaan mengungkap informasi berikut:


Key risks

Risiko Utama


IMC Pelita Logistik has disclosed the key risk in IMC Pelita Logistik website and Annual Report 2018

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan risiko utama Perusahaan di situs IMC Pelita Logistik dan Laporan Tahunan 2018


Corporate Objectives

Tujuan Perusahaan


IMC Pelita Logistik has disclosed the corporate objective in IMC Pelita Logistik website.

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan Tujuan Perusahaan di situs IMC Pelita Logistik dan Laporan Tahunan 2018


Financial performance indicators

Indikator kinerja keuangan


IMC Pelita Logistik has disclosed the financial performance Indicators in IMC Pelita Logistik website and Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan indikator kinerja keuangan di situs IMC Pelita Logistik dan Laporan Tahunan.


Non-financial performance indicators

Indikator kinerja non-keuangan


IMC Pelita Logistik has disclosed a Key Performance Indicator for Corporate as a Non-Financial Performance Indicator in the Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan Penilaian Indikator Kinerja non Keuangan dalam Laporan Tahunan.


Dividend policy

Kebijakan deviden


The company has disclosed on Dividend policy and payment of dividends (interim and final) in a fair and timely manner. All shareholders are treated the same and paid within 30 days after the dividend is announced.

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan tentang kebijakan dividen dan pembayaran dividen (interim dan final) secara adil dan tepat waktu. Semua pemegang saham diperlakukan sama dan dibayar dalam waktu 30 hari setelah dividen diumumkan.


Details of whistle-blowing policy

Kebijakan pelaporan pelanggaran secara rinci


IMC Pelita Logistik has a reporting policy called the Whistleblowing System, the mechanism of which is listed on the Company’s website and Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki kebijakan pelaporan yang disebut Whistleblowing System, yang mekanismenya tercantum dalam website Perusahaan dan Laporan Tahunan


Biographical details (at least age, qualifications, date of first appointment, relevant experience, and any other directorships of listed companies) of directors/commissioners

Kelengkapan biografi (umur, kualifikasi, tanggal pengangkatan, pengalaman dan jabatan lain di perusahaan listed/terdaftar lainnya) sebagai Direktur/Komisaris


IMC Pelita Logistik has disclosed the biographical details of the BOC and BOD in IMC Pelita Logistik website and Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan detail biografi dari Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi di website IMC Pelita Logistik dan Laporan Tahunan.


Training and/or continuing education programme attended by each director/commissioner

Pelatihan dan/atau program pendidikan berkelanjutan yang dihadiri oleh setiap anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris


IMC Pelita Logistik has disclosed training and/or continuing education program of the BOC and BOD in IMC Pelita Logistik website and Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan data pelatihan/ pendidikan berkelanjutan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi di situs perusahaan dan Laporan Tahunan.


Number of board of directors/commissioners meetings held during the year

Jumlah rapat Direksi/Dewan Komisaris selama setahun


IMC Pelita Logistik has disclosed number of Board of Directors/ Commissioners meetings which was held during the year in Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan data jumlah rapat Direksi/Dewan Komisaris selama setahun di Laporan Tahunan.


Attendance details of each directors/commissioner in respect of meetings held

Rincian kehadiran masing-masing Direksi/Dewan Komisaris dalam rapat


IMC Pelita Logistik has disclosed details of each Directors/ Board of Commissioner in respect of meetings held in Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan data rincian kehadiran masing-masing Direksi/Dewan Komisaris dalam rapat di Laporan Tahunan.


Details of remuneration of the CEO and each member of the board of directors/commissioners

Kejelasan dari remunerasi setiap Direktur/Komisaris


IMC Pelita Logistik did not disclose details of remuneration of the CEO and each member of the board of directors/commissioners in Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik tidak mengungkapkan data rincian dari remunerasi setiap Direktur/Komisaris di Laporan Tahunan. Tetapi diungkapkan dalam bentuk total keseluruhan dari jumlah remunerasi per tahun


Does the annual report contain a statement confirming the company’s compliance with the code of corporate governance and where there is non- compliance, identify and explain reasons for each such issue

Apakah pada laporan tahunan terdapat pernyataan mengenai kepatuhan perusahaaan terhadap pedoman GCG dan apabila terdapat ketidak patuhan, identifikasi dan jelaskan alasannya untuk setiap hal ketidak patuhannya


IMC Pelita Logistik has disclosed the compliance with the code Of Corporate Governance

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mengungkapkan pernyataan mengenai kepatuhan perusahaaan terhadap pedoman Good Corporate Governance


Does the company disclose its policy covering the review and approval of material/significant RPTs?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkap kebijakan yang meliputi ulasan dan persetujuan Related Party Transaction yang utama/penting?


The Company disclosed the policy which covers the review and approval of affiliated transaction in the financial statement , stated in the notes of financial statements No 25

Perseroan mengungkapkan kebijakan terkait ulasan dan persetujuan transaksi afiliasi dalam laporan keuangan dibagian catatan laporan keuangan No 25


Does the company disclose the name of the related party and relationship for each material/significant RPT?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkap hubungan dan nama dari pihak terkait pada setiap RPT yang utama/penting?


The Company disclosed in the Annual Report the notes to the financial statements No 25

Perseroan mengungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan dibagian catatan atas laporan Keuangan no 25


Does the company disclose the nature and value for each material/significant RPT?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkap alasan, dasar dan nilai pada setiap RPT yang utama/penting?


The Company disclosed in the Annual Report the notes to the financial statements No 25

Perseroan mengungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan dibagian catatan atas laporan keuangan no 25


Does the company disclose trading in the company’s shares by insiders?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkap perdagangan saham perusahaan oleh orang dalam perusahaan?


The company revealed that the stock trading conducted by BOD / BOC. This information is stated in the IDX website

Perseroan mengungkapkan perdagangan saham yang dilakukan oleh BOD/BOC. Informasi ini terdapat dalam website BEI


Are audit fees disclosed?

Apakah honor audit diungkapkan?


IMC Pelita Logistik does not disclose information on the value of financial audit service contracts in the Annual Report

IMC Pelita Logistik tidak mengungkapkan informasi nilai kontrak jasa audit keuangan dalam Laporan Tahunan


Are the non-audit fees disclosed?

Apakah honor non audit diungkapkan?


IMC Pelita Logistik did not disclose non-audit fees

Perseroan tidak mengungkapkan honor lembaga/institusi non audit


Does the non-audit fees exceed the audit fees?

Apakah honor non audit melebihi honor audit?


The Company does not appoint a non-audit public accountant

Perseroan tidak mengungkapkan honor lembaga/institusi audit dan non-audit

Does the company use the following modes of communication?

Apakah perusahaan menggunakan media komunikasi sebagai berikut?


Quarterly reporting

Laporan Kuartalan


IMC Pelita Logistik published quarterly report in IMC Pelita Logistik website , online and printed media

IMC Pelita Logistik mempublikasikan laporan kuartal dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik dan media online maupun cetak


Company website

Situs Perusahaan


IMC Pelita Logistik has company website with url:

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki website dengan link:


Analysts’ briefings


IMC Pelita Logistik publishes the investor presentation on IMC Pelita Logistik website

IMC Pelita Logistik mempublikasikan paparan publik untuk investor dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik


Media briefings/press conferences


IMC Pelita Logistik regularly publish the news release on IMC Pelita Logistik website, IDX website and media

IMC Pelita Logistik mempublikasikan press release dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik, website BEI dan media

Timely filling/release of annual/financial reports

Publikasi Laporan Keuangan secara tepat waktu


Is the audited annual/financial report released within 120 days of the financial year end?

Apakah audit laporan/keuangan diluncurkan tidak lebih dari 120 hari keuangan akhir tahun?


2018 Audited Financial Report was launched to public by March 26, 2019

Laporan Keuangan tahunan 2018 yang telah diaudit diluncurkan ke publik pada 26 Maret 2019


Is the annual report released within 120 days of the financial year end?

Apakah laporan tahunan dipublikasikan dalam waktu 120 hari setelah tahun buku berakhir


Annual Report 2018 was published on April 17, 2019

Laporan tahunan 2018 dipublikasikan pada tanggal 17 April 2019


Is the true and fairness/fair representation of the annual financial statement/reports affirmed by the board of directors/ commissioners and/or the relevant officers of the company?

Apakah direksi/ dewan komisaris dan atau pejabat perusahaan yang relevan menyatakan kebenaran/ kewajaran dari laporan/ pernyataan keuangan tahunan?


The Board of Commissioners and the Directors have made a statement letter pertaining to the Annual Report for 2018

Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi telah memberikan pernyataan yang menyatakan kebenaran dari laporan tahunan, yang tercantum dalam laporan tahunan tersebut.

Does the company have a website disclosing up-to-date information on the following:

Apakah perusahaan memiliki situs yang mengungkap informasi terbaru dan hal- hal sebagai berikut ini:


Business operations

Operasi Bisnis


IMC Pelita Logistik website has published information related to business operations

Dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik telah terdapat informasi yang berkaitan dengan operasi bisnis


Financial statements/reports (current and prior years)

Laporan keuangan (tahun berjalan dan tahun sebelumnya)


IMC Pelita Logistik website has published the financial statements

Dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik telah mempublikasikan laporan keuangan Perusahaan.


Materials provided in briefings to analysts and media

Materi yang digunakan pada komunikasi dengan analis dan media


IMC Pelita Logistik regularly publish the news release on IMC Pelita Logistik website and IDX website

IMC Pelita Logistik mempublikasikan press release dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik dan website BEI


Shareholding structure

Struktur pemegang saham


Shareholding structure is available on IMC Pelita Logistik website

Struktur kepemilikan saham Perusahaan tersedia di website IMC Pelita Logistik


Group corporate structure

Struktur perusahaan


Corporate structure is available on IMC Pelita Logistik website

Struktur Perusahan tersedia di website IMC Pelita Logistik


Downloadable annual report

Laporan tahunan yang dapat didownload


Annual Report 2017 and 2018 is available on IMC Pelita Logistik website

Laporan Tahunan 2017 dan 2018 tersedia di website IMC Pelita Logistik


Notice of AGM and/or EGM

Pemberitahuan RUPS dan RUPSLB


Notice of AGMS is available on IMC Pelita Logistik website

Panggilan RUPS tersedia di website IMC Pelita Logistik


Minutes of AGM and/or EGM

Risalah RUPS


Minutes of AGMS available on IMC Pelita Logistik website

Risakah RUPS tersedia di website IMC Pelita Logistik


Company’s constitution (company’s by- laws, memorandum and articles of association)

Anggaran Dasar Perseroan


Article Association non available on IMC Pelita Logistik website

Perseoran tidak mengungkapkan anggaran dasar dalam website perseroan


Does the company disclose the contact details (e.g. telephone, fax, and email) of the officer / office responsible for investor relations?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan rincian kontak (mis. Telepon, faks, dan email) dari pejabat / kantor yang bertanggung jawab atas hubungan investor?


Contact details (e.g. telephone, fax, and email) of the officer / office responsible for investor relations available on IMC Pelita Logistik website

Rincian kontak (mis. Telepon, faks, dan email) dari pejabat / kantor yang bertanggung jawab atas hubungan investor tersedia di IMC Pelita Logistik website

Responsibilities of The Board

Self Assessment - Part E

No. Questions Yes/No or N/A Answer Implementation Evidence/Source Document

Clearly defined board responsibilities and corporate governance policy

Mendefinisikan tanggung jawab dan kebijakan tata kelola perusahaan secara jelas.


Does the company disclose its corporate governance policy/board charter?

Apakah perusahaan mempublikasikan kebijakan tata kelola/pedoman kerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi?


IMC Pelita Logistik published governance policies in the 2018 Annual Report

IMC Pelita Logistik mempublikasian kebijakan tata kelola dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018


Are the types of decisions requiring board of directors/commissioners’ approval disclosed?

Apakah berbagai jenis keputusan yang membutuhkan persetujuan Direksi/Dewan Komisaris diungkapkan?


Types of decisions requiring board of Directors/Commissioners’ approval available in Article Association Article 12 paragraph 5

Jenis keputusan yang membutuhkan persetujuan direksi/komisioner diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar perusahaan pasal 12 ayat 5


Are the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors/commissioners clearly stated?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkap kebijakan tata kelola/board manual (dewan komisaris dan direksi)?


The roles and responsibilities of BOC & BOD clearly stated on Board Manual which has been published in the website and Annual Report.

Tugas dan tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi secara jelas diatur dalam Pedoman Kerja masing-masing yang dipublikasikan dalam website dan Laporan Tahunan

Corporate Vision/Mission

Visi dan Misi Perusahaan


Does the company have a vision and mission statement?

Apakah Perusahaan memiliki pernyataan visi dan misi?


IMC Pelita Logistik has vision and mission as stated in corporate’s strategy direction, the vision and mission has been published in the website and Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki visi dan misi yang tercantum dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik dan laporan tahunan Perusahaan.


Has the board review the vision and mission/strategy in the last financial year?

Apakah Dewan Komisiaris/Direksi melakukan review atas visi, misi/strategi pada tahun terakhir?


IMC Pelita Logistik vision & mission are reviewed on a periodic basis that involved the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Visi dan Misi IMC Pelita Logistik senantiasa ditinjau secara periodik, yang melibatkan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi


Does the board of directors monitor/oversee the implementation of the corporate strategy?

Apakah Dewan Komisaris/Direksi memonitor implementasi strategi perusahaan?


Implementation of IMC Pelita Logistik strategy are monitored on a periodic basis by the Board of Directors. This has been disclosed in the annual report.

Implementasi strategi perusahaan senantiasa dimonitor oleh Dewan Komisaris/Direksi. Hal ini diungkapkan dalam laporan tahunan.

Code of ethics or conduct

Standar Etika Perusahaan


Are the details of the code of ethics or conduct disclosed?

Apakah rincian dari kode etik diungkapkan?


Full details of the code of ethics has been periodically socialized to all employees and the review will be done every 2 years, whistleblowing and gratification policy has been socialized to all employees

Rincian lengkap dari Standar Etika telah disosialisasikan ke seluruh karyawan secara periodik dan dikaji setiap 2 tahun sekali dan sosialisasi whistle blowing dan gratifikasi telah dilakukan ke seluruh karyawan


Does the company disclose that all Directors/Commissioners, senior management and employees are required to comply with the code of conduct?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkap bahwa semua Direktur/Komisaris, manajemen senior dan pegawai dipersyaratkan harus mematuhi kode etik perusahaan?


Compliance with the Company’s code of conduct is mandatory for all Employees at all levels (including the Board of Commissioners and the Directors) and all related parties must sign the Company Regulations compliance form.

Kepatuhan atas Standar Etika Perusahaan bersifat wajib bagi seluruh Karyawan di semual level (termasuk Dewan Komisaris, Direksi) dan seluruh pihak terkait wajib menandatangani formulir kepatuhan Peraturan Perusahaan.


Does the company disclose how it implements and monitors compliance with the code of ethics or conduct?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan bagaimana implementasi dan pemantauan kepatuhan kode etik?


IMC Pelita Logistik discloses the implementation and Code of ethics’ compliance monitoring and stated in the Annual Report

IMC Pelita Logistik mengungkapkan implementasi dan pemantauan kepatuhan kode etik yang tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan

Board structure & composition

Struktur dan Komposisi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris


Do independent Directors/Commissioners make up at least 50% of the board directors/commissioner?

Apakah jumlah Komisaris Independen mewakili sekurang-kurangnya 50% dari jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris?


IMC Pelita Logistik has fulfilled at least 50% of the total members of the Board of Commissioners. IMC Pelita Logistik has 2 Independent Commissioners members from the existing 3 Board of Commissioners.

IMC Pelita Logistik sudah memenuhi sekurang-kurangnya 50% dari jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris. IMC Pelita Logistik mempunyai 2 anggota Dewan Komisaris Independen dari 3 Dewan Komisaris yang ada


Are the independent Directors/Commissioners independent of management and major/substantial shareholders?

Apakah Direktur/Komisaris independen bebas/tidak memiliki keterkaitan dengan manajemen dan pemegang saham mayoritas?


The entire Board of Commissioners has no affiliation with the Directors and Controlling Shareholders

Seluruh dewan Komisaris tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Pengendali


Does the company have a term limit of nine years or less for its independent directors/commissioner?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki persyaratan keterbatasan waktu 9 tahun atau kurang bagi Direktur/Komisaris Independen yang bekerja untuk perusahaan?


The five years term must be required by legislation which pre-existed the introduction of the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard in 2011

Therefore, in Article 11 and Article 14 of the Company’s Articles of Association No. 13 dated September 6, 2017, it is stated that the members of the Board of Commissioners / Directors are appointed for a period from the date determined by the GMS that appointed them and ends at the close of the 5th Annual GMS (five) after the date of appointment, with the condition that it cannot exceed a period of 5 (five) years.

Jangka waktu per lima tahun telah disyaratkan oleh undang-undang Perseroan yang sudah ada sebelum adanya ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard pada tahun 2011

Oleh karena itu, Dalam pasal 11 dan pasal 14 Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan No 13 Tanggal 6 September 2017 telah dinyatakan bahwa anggota Dewan Komisaris/Direksi diangkat untuk jangka waktu terhitung sejak tanggal yang ditetapkan oleh RUPS yang mengangkatnya dan berakhir pada penutupan RUPS Tahunan yang ke-5 (lima) setelah tanggal pengangkatannya, dengan syarat tidak boleh melebihi jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun.


Has the company set a limit of five board seats that an individual independent/non-executive director/commissioner may hold simultaneously?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan adanya batasan jabatan rangkap dari individu Direksi/Dewan Komisaris yaitu maksimal pada 5 perusahan publik?


The company does not disclose dual position Restrictions information but as a public company, IMC Pelita Logistik complies with dual position restriction limits in accordance with OJK Regulations.

Perusahaan tidak mengungkapkan informasi terkait batasan jabatan rangkap, akan tetapi sebagai Perusahaan publik, IMC Pelita Logistik mematuhi batasan rangkap jabatan mengacu pada peraturan OJK.


Does the company have any independent directors/commissioners who serve on more than five boards of publicly- listed companies?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki Komisaris independen yang bekerja di lebih dari lima perusahaan publik di luar perusahaan?


The company does not have Independent Commissioners who work in more than five public companies outside of the Company. The Board of Commissioners’ profile is available in 2018 Annual Report

Perusahaan tidak memiliki Komisaris Independen yang bekerja di lebih dari lima perusahaan publik di luar Perusahaan. Profil Dewan Komisaris tersedia di Laporan Tahunan 2018

Nominating Committee

Komite Nominasi


Does the company have a Nominating Committee (NC)?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki >Komite Nominasi?


IMC Pelita Logistik has Nomination & Remuneration Committee

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi


Does the Nominating Committee comprise of majority of independent directors/commissioners?

Apakah Komite Nominasi terdiri dari mayoritas Komisaris Independen?


Referring to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter composition. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has 3 members consisting of 1 Independent Board of Commissioners and 2 members outside the Board of Commissioners

Mengacu pada Komposisi Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi, Komite Nominasi mempunyai 3 anggota yang terdiri dari 1 Dewan Komisaris Independen dan 2 anggota diluar Dewan Komisaris


Is the chairman of the Nominating Committee an independent director/commissioner?

Apakah Komite Nominasi memiliki Ketua yang Independen?


Refer to SK No. 004 / IMC Pelita Logistik-BOC / XI / 2018 The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is chaired by Bp. Hamid Awaluddin who is President Independent Board of Commissioners

Mengacu pada SK No. 004/IMC Pelita Logistik-BOC/XI/2018 Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi diketuai oleh Bp. Hamid Awaludin yang merupakan Presiden Komisaris Independen


Does the company disclose the terms of reference/governance structure/charter of the Nominating Committee?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan prasyarat/struktur tata kelola/ piagam Komite Nominasi?


As stated on Charter of Nomination and Remuneration Committe which has been published on IMC Pelita Logistik website

Sebagaimana tercantum dalam Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi yang termuat dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik


Did the Nominating Committee meet at least twice during the year?

Apakah Komite Nominasi mengadakan rapat sekurang- kurangnya 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun?


As stipulated in the Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter contained in the IMC Pelita Logistik website, the meeting conducted at least 2 (two) times a year. This has been disclosed in the annual report.

Sebagaimana diatur dalam Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi yang termuat dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik yaitu rapat sekurang- kurangnya 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun. Hal ini telah diungkapkan dalam laporan tahunan.


Is the attendance of members at Nominating Committee meetings disclosed?

Apakah tingkat kehadiran anggota dalam rapat Komite Nominasi diungkap?


Attendance of members at Nominating Committee meetings were not disclosed on Annual Report 2018

Tingkat kehadiran anggota dalam rapat Komite Nominasi belum diungkap dalam LaporanTahunan 2018

Remuneration Committee/Compensation Committee

Komite Remunerasi


Does the company have a Remuneration Committee?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki Komite Remunerasi?


IMC Pelita Logistik has Nomination & remuneration Committee

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi


Does the Remuneration Committee comprise of majority of independent directors/commissioners?

Apakah sebagian besar anggota komite remunerasi merupakan komisaris independen?


Referring to the Nomination and Remuration Committee Charter, Composition Nomination and Remuration Committee has 3 members consisting of 1 Independent Board of Commissioners and 2 members outside the Board of Commissioners

Mengacu pada Komposisi Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Komite Nominasi mempunyai 3 anggota yang terdiri dari 1 Dewan Komisaris Independent dan 2 anggota diluar Dewan Komisaris


Is the chairman of the Remuneration Committee an independent director/commissioner?

Apakah komite remunerasi diketuai oleh komisaris independen?


Referring to the status of Independence based on SK No. 004 / IMC Pelita Logistik-BOC / XI / 2018 The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is chaired by Bp. Hamid Awaludin who is an Independent Board of Commissioners

Mengacu pada status Independensi berdasarkan SK No. 004/IMC Pelita Logistik-BOC/XI/2018 Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi diketuai oleh Bp. Hamid Awaludin yang merupakan Dewan Komisaris Independen


Does the company disclose the terms of reference/governance structure/charter of the Remuneration Committee?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan acuan/struktur/charter dari Komite Remunerasi?


As stated on Charter of Nomination and Remuneration Committe which has been published on IMC Pelita Logistik website

Sebagaimana tercantum Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi yang dipublikasikan dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik


Did the Remuneration Committee meet at least twice during the year?

Apakah laporan tahunan mengungkap jumlah rapat Komite Remunerasi yang telah diadakan?


As stated Nomination and Remuneration Committe Charter contained in the IMC Pelita Logistik website, meeting of at least 2 (two) times a year

Sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi yang termuat dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik yaitu rapat sekurang- kurangnya 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun


Is the attendance of members at Remuneration Committee meetings disclosed?

Apakah kehadiran anggota pada rapat Komite Remunerasi diungkapkan?


Attendance of members at Nominating Committee meetings not disclosed in Annual Report 2018

Tingkat kehadiran anggota dalam rapat Komite Nominasi belum diungkap dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018

Audit Committee

Komite Audit


Does the company have an Audit Committee?

Apakah Perusahaan memiliki Komite Audit?


IMC Pelita Logistik has Audit Committee

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki Komite Audit


Does the Audit Committee comprise entirely of non-executive directors/commissioners with a majority of independent directors/commissioners?

Apakah Komite Audit terdiri dari seluruhnya Komisaris dengan sebagian besar merupakan Komisaris Independen?


The IMC Pelita Logistik audit committee consists of 1 chairman and 2 members, only Bp. Adi Harsono as Chairman of the IMC Pelita Logistik Audit Committee. He is as Independent Board of Commissioners

Komite audit IMC Pelita Logistik terdiri dari 1 ketua dan 2 anggota , hanya Bp. Adi Harsono selaku Ketua Komite Audit IMC Pelita Logistik yang merupakan Komisaris Independen


Is the chairman of the Audit Committee an independent director/commissioner?

Apakah Ketua Komite Audit merupakan Komisaris Independen?


Chairman of Audit Committee IMC Pelita Logistik is Mr. Adi Harsono who is an Independent Commissioner.

Ketua Komite Audit IMC Pelita Logistik adalah Bp. Adi Harsono selaku Komisaris Independen.


Does the company disclose the terms of reference/governance structure/charter of the Audit Committee?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan pedoman/struktur/charter Komite Audit?


As stated at Charter of Audit Committee which has been published on IMC Pelita Logistik website

Sebagaimana tercantum dalam Pedoman Kerja Komite Audit yang telah dipublikasikan dalam website IMC Pelita Logistik


Does the Annual Report disclose the profile or qualifications of the Audit Committee members?

Apakah Laporan Tahunan mengungkapkan profil atau kualifikasi dari anggota Komite Audit?


IMC Pelita Logistik Annual Report 2018 has disclosed the profile or qualifications of the Audit Committee members

Laporan Tahunan IMC Pelita Logistik 2018 telah mengungkapkan profil atau kualifikasi dari anggota Komite Audit


Does at least one of the independent directors/commissioners of the Audit Committee have accounting expertise (accounting qualification or experience)?

Apakah sekuranganya satu Komisaris Independen yang merupakan anggota komite audit memiliki keahlian dibidang akuntansi (kualifikasi ataupun pengalaman di bidang akuntansi


The Chairman of the Audit Committee has Finance / Accounting experience

Ketua Komite Audit memiliki pengalaman dibidang keuangan/akuntansi.


Did the Audit Committee meet at least four times during the year?

Apakah Laporan Tahunan mengungkapkan jumlah rapat Komite Audit yang telah dilaksanakan?


The number of audit committee meetings has been disclosed in the 2018 Annual Report.

Jumlah rapat Komite audit telah diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018.


Is the attendance of members at Audit Committee meetings disclosed?

Apakah kehadiran anggota pada rapat Komite Audit diungkapkan?


Attendance of members at Audit Committee meetings has been disclosed on Annual Report 2018

Tingkat kehadiran anggota pada rapat Komite audit telah diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018.


Does the Audit Committee have primary responsibility for recommendation on the appointment, re-appointment and removal of the external auditor?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan bahwa Komite Audit memilki tanggung jawab utama untuk memberikan rekomendasi terhadap penunjukkan, penunjukkan kembali atau penggantian eksternal auditor?


Listed in the Audit Committee Charter No IV.

Tercantum dalam Piagam Komite Audit no IV.

Board meeting and attendance

Rapat dan Kehadiran Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi


Are the board of directors/commissioners meetings scheduled before or at the beginning of the year?

Apakah Laporan Tahunan mengungkapkan bahwa rapat-rapat Direksi/Dewan Komisaris dijadwalkan sebelum atau pada awal tahun berjalan?


The Directors / Board of Commissioners meeting is scheduled at the beginning of the current year

Rapat Direksi/Dewan Komisaris telah dijadwalkan pada awal tahun berjalan


Does the board of directors/commissioners meet at least six times per year?

Apakah Direksi/Dewan Komisaris mengadakan pertemuan sekurang- kurangnya 6 kali dalam setahun?


Number of Attendance of BOC and BOD has been disclosed on Annual Report 2018

Jumlah kehadiran Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi telah dipublikasikan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018


Has each of the directors/commissioners attended at least 75% of all the board meetings held during the year?

Apakah semua anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris menghadiri sekurang-kurangnya 75% dari seluruh Rapat Dewan yang dilaksanakan selama tahun yang bersangkutan?


Number of Attendance of BOC and BOD has been disclosed on Annual Report 2018. Only 1 member of BOC did not attend 75% of the BOD/BOC meeting due to overseas location, the rest of BOD/BOC have attended almost 100% of the meeting.

Jumlah kehadiran Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi telah dipublikasikan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018. Hanya 1 anggota BOC yang tidak menghadiri 75% dari rapat BOD/BOC karena lokasi di luar Indonesia. Selebihnya anggota BOD/BOC menghadiri rapat hampir 100%.


Does the company require a minimum quorum of at least 2/3 for board decisions?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan kuorum minimal yang sekurang-kurangnya adalah 2/3 untuk Rapat Direksi/Dewan Komisaris


The total attendance of the Board of Commissioners and Directors has fulfilled the quorum at each meeting and has been published in the 2018 Annual Report

Jumlah kehadiran Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi telah memenuhi kuorum pada setiap rapat dan telah dipublikasikan dalam laporan Tahunan 2018


Did the non-executive directors/commissioners of the company meet separately at least once during the year without any executives present?

Apakah Komisaris Perusahaan mengadakan pertemuan secara terpisah minimal sekali dalam setahun tanpa kehadiran Direksi?


The Commissioner of the Company held a separate meeting. This matter has been disclosed in the annual report.

Komisaris Perusahaan mengadakan pertemuan secara terpisah. Hal ini telah diungkapkan dalam laporan tahunan.

Access to Information

Akses Informasi


Are board papers for board of directors/commissioners meetings provided to the board at least five business days in advance of the board meeting?

Apakah bahan rapat Direksi/Dewan Komisarsis disampaikan minimal 5 hari kerja sebelum dilaksanakannya rapat?


Refers to Articles of Association article 13 paragraph 1 and 16 paragraph 1

Mengacu pada Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan Pasal 13 ayat (1) dan 16 ayat (1)


Does the company secretary play a significant role in supporting the board in discharging its responsibilities?

Apakah Sekretaris Perusahaan berperan secara signifikan dalam mendukung Dewan melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya?


The Corporate Secretary has a significant role in supporting the performance of the Board, this is stated in the duties and responsibilities of the Corporate Secretary and has been published in an annual report.

Sekretaris Perusahaan berperan secara signifikan dalam mendukung kinerja Dewan, hal ini tertuang dalam tugas dan tanggung jawab Sekretaris Perusahaan dan telah dipublikasikan dalam laporan tahunan.


Is the company secretary trained in legal, accountancy or company secretarial practices?

Apakah Sekretaris Perusahaan diberikan pelatihan mengenai hukum, akuntansi atau praktek- praktek kesekretariatan?


List of Training of Corporate Secretary available on Annual Report 2018 page 132-133

Daftar pelatihan Corporate Secterary tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018 halaman 132-133

Board Appointments and Re-election

Penunjukkan dan pemilihan kembali Dewan


Does the company disclose the criteria used in selecting new directors/commissioners?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan kriteria yang dipergunakan dalam pemilihan anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris yang baru?


Disclosures are stated in the articles of association of the Company article 14 paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) regarding the criteria used in the selection of new members of the Board of Directors / Board of Commissioners

Pengungkapan tercantum dalam anggaran Dasar Perusahaan pasal 14 ayat (4) dan ayat (5) mengenai kriteria yang dipergunakan dalam pemilihan anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris yang baru


Does the company disclose the Process followed in appointing new directors/commissioners?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan proses yang dilakukan dalam pemilihan anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris.


Disclosed in the Articles of Association of the Company Article 11 and Article 14 which discloses the process carried out in the selection of members of the Board of Directors / Board of Commissioners..

Tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan Pasal 11 dan pasal 14 yang mengungkapkan proses yang dilakukan dalam pemilihan anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris.


Are all the directors/commissioners Subject to re-election at least once every three years or 5 years for listed companies in countries whose legislation prescribes a term of 5 years each?

Apakah seluruh anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris dapat ditunjuk kembali minimal tiap 3 (tiga) tahun sekali atau 5 tahun untuk perusahaan terdaftar di negara-negara yang undang-undangnya menetapkan masing-masing 5 tahun ?


Listed in the Articles of Association article 14 paragraph (6) which discloses the process carried out in the selection of members of the Board of Directors / Board of Commissioners

Tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar dan pasal 14 ayat (6) yang mengungkapkan proses yang dilakukan dalam pemilihan anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris setiap 5 tahun sekali.

Remuneration Matters

Permasalahan Remunerasi


Does the company disclose its Remuneration (fees, allowances, benefit-in-kind and other emoluments) policy (i.e. the use of short term and long term incentives and performance measures) for its executive directors and CEO?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan Remunerasi (i.e penggunaan insentif jangka panjang dan jangka pendek dan pengukuran kinerja) untuk Direksi?


IMC Pelita Logistik did not disclose the remuneration (fees, allowances, benefit-in-kind and other emoluments) policy (i.e. the use of short term and long term incentives and performance measures) for the BOC (including the independent Commissioners) and BOD. Only total amount of remuneration of BOD and BOC was disclosed in 2018 Annual Report. Remuneration of BOD/BOC based on recommendation from Nomination and Remuneration Committee

IMC Pelita Logistik tidak mengungkapkan Remunerasi (i.e penggunaan insentif jangka panjang dan jangka pendek dan pengukuran kinerja) untuk Dewan Komisaris (termasuk Komisaris Independen) dan Direksi, namun total remunerasi BOC/BOD diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018 yang mengacu pada rekomendasi dari Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi


Is there disclosure of the fee structure for non-executive directors/commissioners?

Apakah terdapat pengungkapan struktur fee bagi anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris ?


IMC Pelita Logistik only discloses the total Remuneration for BOD/BOC in 2018 Annual Report

IMC Pelita Logistik hanya mengungkapkan total Remunerasi BOD/BOC dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018


Do the shareholder or the board of directors approve the remuneration of the executive directors and/or the senior executives?

Apakah Pemegang Saham menyetujui remunerasi Direksi?


Listed in Minutes of Annual GMS No. 11 dated May 9, 2018

Determination of salary and allowances and other incentives for Members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company for the fiscal year 2018

Persetujuan pemegang saham tercantum dalam Berita Acara RUPS Tahunan Akta No 11 tanggal 9 Mei 2018.

Penetapan gaji dan tunjangan dan/insentif lainnya untuk Anggota Direksi dan Dewan komisaris Perseroan untuk tahun buku 2018


Do independent non-executive directors/commissioners receive options, performance shares or bonuses?

Apakah Direktur/Dewan Komisaris Independen mendapatkan opsi, performance shares atau bonus?


IMC Pelita Logistik Independent Commissioner (Mr. Adi Harsono) as IMC Pelita Logistik Independent Commissioner per fiscal year 2018, did not receive IMC Pelita Logistik shares List of Board of Commissioners’ Shares. Directors are disclosed in the Annual Report 2018.

Komisaris Independen IMC Pelita Logistik (Bapak Adi Harsono) sebagai Komisaris Independen IMC Pelita Logistik ) per tahun buku 2018, tidak menerima saham IMC Pelita Logistik Daftar Pemegang Saham Dewan Komisaris/Direksi tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018

Audit Internal

Audit Internal


Does the company have a separate internal audit function?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki fungsi audit internal secara terpisah/ independen?


IMC Pelita Logistik has a separate Internal Audit Unit. This information is included in the 2018 annual report.

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki Unit Audit Internal secara terpisah. Informasi ini tercantum dalam laporan tahunan 2018


Is the head of internal audit identified or, if outsourced, is the name of the external firm disclosed?

Apakah Kepala Audit Internal dapat diindentifikasi atau jika outsourcing, apakah nama dari firma eksternalnya diungkapkan?


The data of Head of Internal Audit information is available in 2018 Annual Report.

Profil Kepala Internal Audit tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018


Does the appointment and removal of the internal auditor require the approval of the audit committee?

Apakah penunjukan dan/atau pemberhentian Auditor internal membutuhkan persetujuan dari Komite Audit?


Requires approval from the Audit Committee and refers to the duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee in the Audit Committee Charter including the Appointment and Supervision of the Financial Audit Work.

Membutuhkan persetujuan dari Komite Audit dan mengacu pada tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite Audit dalam Charter Komite Audit mencakup Penunjukan dan Pengawasan atas Pekerjaan Audit Keuangan.

Risk Oversight

Pemantauan Risiko


Does the company disclose the internal control procedures/risk management systems it has in place?

Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan prosedur pengawasan internal/Sistem Manajemen Risiko telah sesuai?


IMC Pelita Logistik has disclosed the internal control procedures/risk management systems on Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik telah mempublikasikan prosedur internal control dan Sistem Manajemen Risiko dalam Laporan Tahunan.


Does the annual report disclose that the board of directors/commissioners has conducted a review of the company’s material controls (including operational, financial and compliance controls) and risk management systems?

Apakah laporan tahunan mengungkapkan bahwa Direksi/Dewan Komisaris telah melakukan kajian terhadap materi pengawasan perusahaan (termasuk pengawasan operasional, keuangan dan kepatuhan) dan sistem manajemen resiko?


The report on the review of the company’s supervision and risk management system is contained in the reports of the Board of Commissioners and Directors’ report and listed in the Annual Report

Laporan kajian terhadap pengawasan perusahaan dan sistem menagemen risiko tertuang dalam laporan Dewan Komisaris dan laporan Direksi dan tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018


Does the company disclose how key risks are managed?

Apakah Perusahaan mengungkapkan bagaimana risiko utama dikelola?


Types of risks and risk management mitigation published in 2018 Annual Report

Jenis risiko dan cara pengelolaan dan mitigasi risiko tercantum di Laporan Tahunan 2018


Does the annual report contain a statement from the board of directors/commissioners or Audit Committee commenting on the adequacy of the company’s internal control/risk management system?

Apakah laporan tahunan memuat pernyataan dari Dewan Komisaris/Direksi atau Komite Audit atas kesesuaian pelaksanaan internal control/system manajemen risiko?


The President Director’s report contains information on the suitability of the implementation of internal control or risk management systems. The statement is available in 2018 Annual Report.

Laporan Direktur Utama memuat informasi atas kesesuaian pelaksanaan pengendalian internal atau sistem manajemen risiko. Pernyataan tersebut tersedia dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018

Board Chairman

Komisaris Utama


Do different persons assume the roles of chairman and CEO?

Apakah komisaris utama dan direktur utama merupakan orang yang berbeda?


IMC Pelita Logistik adopts two tier system, the President Directors and the President Commissioners are different persons.

Profile of BOC and BOD are available Company’s website and 2018 Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik mengadopsi sistem dua Dewan, dimana Direktur Utama dan Komisaris Utama merupakan orang yang berbeda.

Profil Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi tersedia di Website IMC Pelita Logistik dan Laporan Tahunan 2018


Is the chairman an independent director/commissioner?

Apakah Komisaris Utama adalah Komisaris Independen?


President Commissioner is Independent Commissioner.

Presiden Komisaris merupakan Komisaris Independen


Has the chairman been the company CEO in the last three years?

Apakah Direktur Utama telah menjadi CEO dalam 3 tahun terakhir?


The President Director was in his position in the last three years.

Presiden Direktor merupakan Direktur Utama dalam 3 tahun terakhir.


Are the roles and responsibilities of the chairman disclose?

Apakah peran dan tanggung jawab dari Direktur Utama diungkapkan?


The roles and responsibilities of the President Director and President Commissioner has been disclosed in 2018 Annual Report.

Peran dan tanggung jawab Komisaris Utama dan Presiden Direktur telah diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018

Skills and Competencies

Kemampuan dan Kompetensi


Does at least one non-executive director/commissioner have prior working experience and the major industry the company is operating in?

Apakah setidaknya terdapat satu komisaris yang memilki pengalaman kerja pada industri yang sejenis dimana perusahaan beroperasi?


One of the Board of Commissioners, Mr. Chavalit Frederick Tsao served as Chairman of the IMC Group which also engaged in the similar industry with IMC Pelita Logistik.

Salah satu anggota Dewan Komisaris, Bapak Chavalit Frederick Tsao menjabat sebagai Chairman dari IMC Group yang juga bergerak dalam industri sejenis dengan IMC Pelita Logistik.


Does the company disclose a Board of Directors/Commissioners diversity policy?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan kebijakan keberagaman Direksi/Dewan Komisaris ?


Company did not disclose the policy but there are diversity in expertise and experience of members of the BOC and BOD which include mining, finance, legal, governance and economy. The diversity of the composition of BOC and BOD is stated in 2018 Annual Report

Perseroan tidak mengungkapkan namun keragaman keahlian dan pengalaman anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang mencakup di antaranya bidang pertambangan, keuangan, hukum, tata kelola, dan ekonomi. Keberagaman komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018

Director Development

Pelatihan/Pengembangan Dewan Komisaris/Direksi


Does the company have orientation programmes for new Directors/commissioners?

Apakah perusahaan mempunyai rincian program perkenalan bagi anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris yang baru?


IMC Pelita Logistik has details introductory program for members of the Board of Directors / Board of Commissioners which is conducted by P&O/HRD Department

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki rincian program perkenalan bagi anggota Direksi/ Dewan Komisaris yang dilaksanakan oleh Department HRD


Does the company have a policy that encourages directors/commissioners to attend on-going or continuous professional education programmes?

Apakah perusahaan memiliki kebijakan terkait pendidikan professional yang dilakukan secara berkesinambungan kepada anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris?


IMC Pelita Logistik has policies related to professional education for directors/commissioners, where a number of professional education activities are listed in 2018 Annual Report.

IMC Pelita Logistik memiliki kebijakan terkait pendidikan profesional untuk direksi/dewan komisioner, dimana sejumlah kegiatan pendidikan profesional tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018

CEO/Executive Management appointments and performance

Penunjukkan dan Kinerja Direktur Utama


Does the company disclose how the board of directors/commissioners plans for the succession of the CEO/managing director/president and key management?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan bagaimana Direksi/Dewan Komisaris membuat perencanaan suksesi kepemimpinan?


IMC Pelita Logistik has not revealed leadership succession planning.

IMC Pelita Logistik belum mengungkapkan perencanaan suksesi kepemimpinan.


Does the board of directors/commissioners conduct an annual performance assessment of the CEO/managing director/president?

Apakah Dewan Komisaris melakukan analisa kinerja tahunan Direktur Utama?


The Board of Commissioner performs the oversight function of the company’s management and management policies carried out by the Directors. This was disclosed in the Commissioner’s report in 2018 Annual Report.

Dewan Komisaris melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan atas kebijakan pengurusan dan jalannya perseroan yang dilakukan oleh direksi. Hal ini diungkapkan dalam laporan Komisaris yang tertuang dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018

Board Appraisal

Penilaian Dewan


Is an annual performance Assessment conducted of the board of directors/commissioners?

Apakah terdapat penilaian kinerja tahunan yang dilaksanakan terhadap Direksi/Dewan Komisaris?


The performance evaluation of members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors for the 2018 fiscal year period was carried out at the 2019 GMS

Penilaian kinerja anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi untuk periode tahun buku 2018 dilaporkan pada RUPST Tahun 2019


Does the company disclose the process followed in conducting the board assessment?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan proses lanjutan atas penilaian Dewan?


The company disclosed the follow-up process of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors assessment. This was disclosed in 2018 Annual Report.

Perusahaan mengungkapkan proses lanjutan atas penilaian Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang telah diungkapkan di Laporan Tahunan 2018


Does the company disclose the criteria used in the board assessment?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan kriteria yang dipergunakan untuk menilai Dewan?


The criteria used to assess the board are listed in 2018 Annual Report

Kriteria yang digunakan untuk menilai Dewan tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018

Director Appraisal

Penilaian Direktur


Is an annual performance assessment conducted of individual directors/commissioners?

Apakah dilakukan penilaian kinerja tahunan bagi masing-masing anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris?


The performance evaluation of members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors for the 2018 fiscal year period was carried out at the 2019 GMS

Penilaian kinerja anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi untuk periode tahun buku 2018 telah dilaporkan pada RUPST tahun 2019


Does the company disclose the process followed in conducting the director/commissioner assessment?

Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan kriteria yang digunakan dalam menilai anggota Direksi/Dewan Komisaris?


The criteria used to assess the board are listed in 2018 Annual Report .

Kriteria yang digunakan untuk menilai Dewan tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018

Committee Appraisal

Penilaian Komite


Is an annual performance Assessment conducted of the board of directors/commissioners committees?

Apakah dilakukan penilaian kinerja tahunan atas komite-komite dibawah Direksi/Dewan Komisaris?


Evaluation of the performance of the committees under the Board of Commissioners is carried out once a year using the method determined by the Board of Commissioners and listed in 2018 Annual Report

Penilaian terhadap kinerja komite dibawah Dewan Komisaris dilakukan setiap satu tahun sekali dengan menggunakan metode yang ditetapkan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018